So....who has had a covid vaccine?

My H got his first (pfizer) shot today!


My H often gets a low grade fever and feels poorly for 24-48 hrs after vaccinations. He doesnā€™t let that discourage him as heā€™d much rather have these minor symptoms than full blown covid, shingles, flu or whatever.

Mom and I generally just gave sone discomfort at site of injection. It works for all of us.

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Both wife and I Received #2 yesterday afternoon (Moderna). Much different than #1, in which neither of us had a reaction. But with number two, I ran a low grade fever for 15+ hours, and the typical headache and muscle aches. At the 24 hour mark, back to 98%. OTOH, wife is still bed-ridden with joint pain: elbows, wrists, back, hips, knees. Hopefully, it will get better by tomorrow.


Just finished my volunteer shift at a vaccine distribution center and got my shot! It was a pretty brutal shift - literally 8 hours on your feet in a parking lot, with a 20 minute break for dinner. After 6 hours I started getting leg cramps but managed to push through to the end. Pretty sure my legs will be hurting more than my arm for the next couple days :laughing:

What struck me about the experience was how happy everyone was! Working with the general public is usually a mixed bag, but wow every single person I talked to over the course of those 8 hours was thrilled to get vaccinated.


This is what my son says about his volunteer work at a vaccine site. Folks are so happy and so relieved. Makes him feel good to be helping.


I was supposed to get my second shot today (Moderna), but got a call last night from the pharmacy that my appointment was cancelled. They said that because of the snowstorm back east they hadnā€™t received their delivery of vaccines this week. Theyā€™re supposed to call me back next week when they receive a deliveryā€“I am keeping my fingers crossed! I am really disappointed not to get the vaccine as planned today. I am in the Los Angeles area.


Fingers crossed for a reschedule quickly!

I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday morning. 12 hours later I was running a fever and I feel achy and crummy this morning. I had no side effects except for a mildly sore arm the first time around. Fortunately there is a snowstorm today and I donā€™t have anything to do except look out the window. But I would definitely not plan on being very productive the day after the second shot.


Husband also got his second shot yesterday 1130 mega center, and the fema nurse said about 12 hours he may feel some effects. Heā€™s looks like fever, eyes and congested, but registers normal, headache, and sore arm ( a bit ) and he did take Tylenol this am.

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My mom received her 2nd dose yesterday and was told not to take NSAIDs or Tylenol for 12 hours after the vaccine.

My mom had her second shot last Thu. For the first 2-3 days, she looked like she was doing fine, but in the last few days her blood pressure has gone up and feels a bit faint from time to time. Any of your parents have had similar symptoms?

No, but my coworker had sugar issues for a week after his first shot. He is a type 2 diabetic in his late 30s. His sugar was sky high (300-500+) even with his daily meds. He had covid 3 months ago, so a stronger reaction was not unexpected with his first dose, but thatā€™s the first I had heard of an issue like that.

Weā€™ve seen a lot of patients this week, 5 days plus out from their 2nd doses, not feeling well. Dizziness, feeling faint, and ā€œbrain fogā€ have been the most frequent complaints.

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@momofboiler1 , Not sure what you can do for covid vaccination side effects. Reassurance? Symptom relief?

Not sure anyone covered this-I did read that lymph node enlargement especially under the arm where shot was, is concerning to women and that delayed mammograms were recommended.


Thanks. I will let my mom know.

I asked the pharmacist who administered my vaccine if I could take naproxen for any symptoms following my first shot and she said it would be fine. I did end up taking it several hours later so Iā€™m wondering why the mixed messages and if I made my vaccination less effective.

The CDC recommends not taking any OTC pain relievers BEFORE the vaccine but it is Ok to take after if needed.

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Trying to catch up to all of the things I missed during the surges, I scheduled a mammogram appointment for 3 weeks after my second vaccine.

When I arrived, the tech told me that they needed to reschedule because they want patients to wait 4-6 weeks after the 2nd COVID vaccine before having a mammogram. They are concerned about false positives/suspicious findings.

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They are learning as they go. My husband was vaccinated in December and they werenā€™t told anything. His co-worker pre-medicated with Advil for the second vaccine in early January. I had my second vaccine at the end of January and while waiting 15 min, they had a sign posted saying not to take NSAIDs before your vaccine but that it was okay to take Tylenol afterwards. My mom went to the same place 2 weeks later and the nurses announcing to everyone in the room that they should avoid taking NSAIDs & Tylenol for 12 hrs after the vaccine.


All family members whom I see regularly have had at least first shot (and second appt within the next two weeks) and H just got his second (no effects). Iā€™m the loner here but I do feel so much better that even if I get get it at least they will be protected.