So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I had my second shot yesterday at 9am. By the afternoon I was feeling tired and arm was sore. I took a tylenol around 8pm and went to bed early. In the middle of the night I had the chills. I didn’t take my temperature, but took another Tylenol. This morning I feel fine, except a bit tired. Let’s see if I get any other side effects.


I’m off for my first shot at the Javits Center in NYC in about an hour. So weird - last Sunday when the system opened up to people with co-morbidities I got this appointment and made it to the confirm button when the site crashed. An hour later I was able to get a confirmed appointment for Tuesday. Yesterday, I received a confirmation for the original appointment (today), with the necessary bar code and a different confirmation number. I’m going today and once I have the shot I will cancel Tuesday’s appointment. It’s too weird for me to cancel before I am sure that the confirm for today is accurate.


My friend got her shot on Fri at the Javits. You will get pfizer. She said it was very easy and organized.

It was extremely organized and took about 30 minutes beginning to end, including the post-shot waiting period. As @oldfort said, this location is doing the Pfizer vaccine only and I was told to come back in 3 weeks, no appointment needed. Since my H has his shot there tomorrow they said I could come back with him for the second shot since it would be the day after mine was due. They have members of the National Guard directing people where they need to be - from the entrance, through a temperature check, to the individual check-in desks to the vaccine tables, and finally to the waiting area where they dismissed us, row by row after the 15 minute period was up. Very grateful to have received shot #1.


I got Moderna shot #2 yesterday morning at 8. So far no side effects other than a sore arm (and it’s not bad). We’ll see how the day goes.


I get my second moderna Saturday am …keep us posted ignatius


Seriously no side effects - I just came home from walking 3.5 miles.


My wife and I will get our first shot tomorrow, hopefully. One of the many websites that we have been checking for the past month suddenly popped up a bunch or appointments and we got our confirmations. I won’t believe it until I feel the needle prick in my arm.


Actually…I didn’t feel the needle prick my arm at all either time…but about 6 hours later, my arm sure did start to ache at the shot site.


I got my second Moderna shot yesterday morning. My arm wasn’t sore at first but started hurting about 4 hours later. Last night when I went to bed my arm was killing me, I had a bad headache and then got the chills. I was shivering in bed for quite awhile. Eventually the chills went away and then I was in a cold sweat. I got up in the middle of the night and took some ibuprofen and that helped. Before that I just couldn’t get comfortable. By this morning I felt almost back to normal, but my arm is still very tender.

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@ignatius you’re very fortunate to have no side effects!


Did you get any side effects after the first dose?

I have read that Pfizer has less side effects. Don’t know if that is true though. Four members of my family who had Pfizer only reported sore arm and two of them had light headache.

I think a lot of side effects depends on your age. Reports are that the younger you are, the more likely you are to have side effects with either vaccine.

One advantage of being older!


I think side effects are very individual. H tends to get vaccine side effects—flu shot, shingles and now covid-19. He’s 78. My mom is 91 and I’m in my 60s. Neither she nor I get side effects other than sore arm at injection site. All 3 of us got Pfizer at same time. H and me, likely from same vial.

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@HImom what experience did your H have with shot #2 (I have not read all this thread, so sorry if you have already said). My second shot is tomorrow and I had a tough time with the shingles shots so,…

That’s interesting. I hope that’s true – I have my 2nd Moderna dose scheduled for March 3rd. Then again, the side effects might be a reflection of the overall strength of the immune system. It will also be interesting to me to know how my daughter reacts to her first vaccination after having had an extremely mild case of Covid. I’ve read that individuals who have had Covid will get all the immunity needed from a single dose – though I am also thinking that the time my 32 year old daughter with the white-collar, work-from-home job is able to get a vaccine, the Johnson & Johnson vax should also be approved and available for youngsters like her-- that is meant to be single dose in any case.

My county reports that they have now vaccinated (first dose) 20% of county residents age 16+, and 60% of the over 65’s —so we are well on our way locally. Also, the mass vaccination clinics the county has run have done very well, and are extremely efficient – most people report being in and out in less than an hour. The county says they have the infrastructure to vaccinate 100% by the end of March – they just don’t have the vaccine supply to meet that goal. In other words, they can easily handle the distribution end of things if given the chance.


Husband had his first shot today and I’m scheduled for my first shot on Thursday. Thank goodness. I’ll feel better to have it and won’t be as afraid to go to the store if I need something or go into the office if I’m needed. I’ll also feel better around my grandson who will be one next week. I worry about him since he can’t get his shot for a long time and his parents are still way down the line.

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Not really … slight slight slight sore arm and a mild nagging headache the day after the shot. I took one Tylenol in the morning and one before bed, because I tired of the headache. Not a bad headache, mind you, but one that lingered all day. It didn’t keep me from my regular routine though. The next day I was fine.

Dose two seems even easier at this point, though my arm hurt a little more. I’m just pleased to be headache-free - no matter how slight it was.


In our sample group we had two mid 50s, one 30 and one 90. Only mid 50s has light headache after the second Pfizer. Both 30 and 90 only had sore arm.