So....who has had a covid vaccine?

my mom got a vaccine, her 2nd dose was around 2 weeks ago. first dose had a sore arm and a light headache, 2nd dose came with a light fever for a day and obviously a sore arm.

My H was just exhausted. We had our shots about 1:30pm. We waited for our 15 minutesšŸ˜‰, stopped off at two restaurants to get takeouts (S was leaving and wanted to have some of his favorites).

That night H was fairly ok and just went to sleep early. The next day, he felt ā€œjunkā€ with low grade fever, achy, chilled, tired. Spent most of the day in bed. Took some Tylenol and felt better. Next morning he was fine.

He was very glad to have had the shot.

I donā€™t know anyone who isnā€™t grateful and glad to have gotten their doses of covid shots. Side effects are much milder than possible permanent or long term suffering, hospitalization and possible death.


@Rivet2000 I have had both Shingrix doses and now, both Pfizer doses. The shingles vaccines gave me more side effects.


Interesting, and Iā€™ve heard the same thing about age and side effects too. My friend (early 50s) and I (early 40s) had the same reaction after our second Moderna shot: flu-like symptoms (fever, fatigue, and body aches) within 24hrs that lasted for a day or so. We both agreed weā€™d rather have the side effects than Covid! Some of Dā€™s friends (19-20yo) symptoms lasted for many days which was surprising.

Has anyone who had Covid-19 had two shots yet? My dad (>80) got Covid 3.5 months ago and got his first (Moderna) shot. He struggled to get downstairs without assistance and slept most of the next day; this response was pretty similar to his symptoms when he had Covid. Iā€™m curious if heā€™ll have a repeat with the second shot or if his immune system will not have such a systemic response again.

I got 1st shot a week ago after volunteering at outdoor vaccination site. It was fun and I will do it again if possible - Dad had stroke so now I am out of town supporting my mom while she stays at hospital. Teacher D also volunteered over weekend and got 1st dose (the state is in no hurry to get to teachers so Iā€™m very happy)

Got the Phizer shot on Saturday. Only side effect was a sore arm that started about 10 hours later. Wife has had both Moderna shots. The first was the worst one for her.

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Husband and I got our 1st shot of Moderna yesterday. We volunteer at a vaccination site and were able to get leftover shots from no shows. Other than a sore arm we have no side effects. Not looking forward to 2nd dose. Other family members who got Moderna have said to expect to feel rundown, possible fever, and other side effects like a bad headache.


My state just went to age only guidelines. I will be eligible March 1st, in the 55 to 65 age group. The only people I am in close contact with are daughter an SIL, both physicians so they are both vaccinated. Will be nice when I am as well so we can let down some barriers


Itā€™s 5 am and Iā€™m trying to make an appointment. Snagged one, but it was gone before I finished entering the data.

Maryland is so disjointed in how itā€™s distributing the vaccine. Iā€™m on several hospital lists and CVS/Walgreens here are only doing 65+. For most vaccine venues, one must live in the county; mass vacc sites will take folks from other parts of MD. They also took category 1c (which originally included 16-64 w/conditions) and eliminated about half of the qualifying conditions. They are now Phase 2. lā€™m still a 1c (I think; was trying to confirm this last week but got nowhere except to a ā€˜humanā€™ who only sent canned texts ā€“ never got an answer and that took 12 hours), and a couple of hours every day this week trying to get an appointment.

The good news is my dad has gotten both of his shots. My FIL hasnā€™t gotten either. Not sure whatā€™s going on there. HIs home health care providers havenā€™t said anything.


Keep trying! I got my appointment at 7 AM Tuesday after trying for a month. I too had the issue of seeing an available appointment only it was taken by the time I entered my personal information.

My wife and I got our first shot yesterday and the only side effect is a very sore arm.


Iā€™m happy to report that here, in FL, most everyone I know over 65 and in healthcare have had their shots. I think I signed up at least 6 people, and had 2 adult children sign up their mothers. I used the county site.

Two exceptions. One wife is beyond anxious. I told her to bring a picture of her children and grandchild with her, and to focus on being able to visit them. So, she now has an appointment. Her husband had both and is fine.
Another refuses to give her cell phone number, even though the county contacts everyone by email, unless they need to reach you ASAP. She just refuses to turn cell on.


@CottonTales : Are you in CT? I am, and thatā€™s the guidelines for us here.

@VeryHappy, I am in CT. I will have all devices ready Monday to try to get an appt.


I just saw this tweet by Ronald Klain, Bidenā€™s chief of staff:

"Six weeks ago, 14% of people over 75 in the US had gotten one COVID vaccine shot.

ā€œToday, that number stands at nearly 60%.ā€

Making progress! I am curious how my county is doing.


The NYTimes vaccination graph shows that for most states the two shot vaccination rate is between 5 and 7%. Most states permit those over 65 to get the vaccine.

In VA my 92 year old FIL canā€™t get one. Heā€™s on the list - confirmed by H when he checked, and they told him they would call him - but no calls. Today he was reading a section of the paper to us for his area and it said they had high demand with few vax to give out. He does not have a computer. When H looked on his computer they just have a state-wide registration system (consolidated as of last Tuesday) and thatā€™s what FILā€™s already on awaiting a call.

PA is one of the worst states stats-wise for per capita distribution according to an article I saw yesterday and our rural areas sure donā€™t seem to be getting many either. They opened up one mass site (1000 doses) the next county over and said slots were filled within an hour. Teachers are behind smokers in line, so I expect it will still be awhile before Iā€™m eligible.

@CottonTales : I suggest you start trying at midnight the night before. And if you canā€™t get an appt then, get up at 4:00 or 5:00 AM. They will go fast! (Iā€™m in the 65 to 75 range, so I already got Shot #1.)


@VeryHappy, that is my plan. CT has been good with giving the vaccine so I am hoping to get one quick. I was told that a vaccine venue is about 2 miles from me


If you are following vaccination stat sites, know that the CDC recently changed how they report vaccination data.

If you like to follow your stateā€™s vaccination progress, this is a good site Path to Herd Immunity. For infection rates, you can view by state or county. County Infections