So....who has had a covid vaccine?

S and I received our second Pfizer vaccine last night. We drove into the mass vaccination site a little after 9 PM and received our shots before 9:30 PM (pretty efficient). Sore arms for both of us this morning. Let’s see what the next few days hold.


CT has a number of mega sites that are doing thousands per day (assuming vaccine availability). Plus new sites seem to be opening all the time.


Yep. The VA state system stinks IMO. You can check individually for CVS, kroger, etc. to see if anything is available in the area and book through them. But it’s pretty hard to find something. Cvs has been unavailable since the first round two weeks ago. Yesterday they had some in the Clarksville area for awhile. Kroger has some in Roanoke, but nowhere else that I tried near my parents (and Roanoke is too far for them as they aren’t in a big hurry).

If you can find an appointment for him at cvs, you just need his Medicare number. There are several medical questions, but I don’t know is a choice (I did that for my inlaws).

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Hmmmmm…isn’t it curious that many sites have selected 12 midnight as the ideal time to open up slots?

When we were searching if one of us got up in the middle of the night to pee we would check online for appointments. No success. We got out appointments around 7 AM.

An upside to getting older :wink:


I had every intention of waiting until later in the year, however, I went with H when he got his shot three weeks ago, and I was offered a ‘throwaway’; I hesitated for a second and then decided to go for it. I’m glad I did. I did have a couple of days of after-effects i.e. sore arm & neck, extreme fatigue, headache, but nothing I couldn’t handle; my second shot is next week, and frankly, I can’t wait! I never thought I’d hear myself saying that!


My second shot is also next week. It will be a relief, though I understand that full immunity will still take a week or two.

I had also thought I would wait a bit, but when I got the email giving me the opportunity to make an appointment, I didn’t hesitate.


I just got my second Moderna shot and H got his 30 min ago (different locations - both through our employers). I am so very happy. I’m expecting the side effects later. We will probably be quite the pair tomorrow. Lol. But it hardly feels real. Our deaths have been racking up city wide. If my locality were a state, our deaths per capita would put us #2 behind NJ. And even more sobering is that >95% have occurred in the last 7 months. This is a big relief


I have quietly been following your journey with your difficult office situation. I am so happy to hear that you and your H are both fully vaccinated. Wonderful!


My dad got dose #2 today in Orange Cty, CA. Mom is scheduled for March 6. I am so relieved.

Congratulations @ClassicMom98 !


Got my second shot this afternoon (Pfizer) at my county vaccination center. The lines were longer than the first time, but everyone was on their best behavior. Just grateful to be getting vaccinated I think. Everything was well organized. Lots of staff - administrative, medical, national guard and police - all very courteous and professional. So far, no adverse reaction, not even a sore arm.


I’m now 17 hours post shot #2. I felt great all evening. I took some Tylenol before bed just in case. I woke up my usual gym time with my mind racing and unable to sleep. I felt fine, so I figured I’d head to the (almost empty) gym to keep the routine. Routine is good for my head. I did some super light cardio (30-50% of my usual intensity) followed by stretching.

Around 6:15 I could tell the Tylenol was gone. I was getting achy. Not horribly, but stretching didn’t feel very good, so I changed and went home. By the time I got home I was chilled. Raining, dark in the 30s didn’t help. Took more Tylenol and went upstairs to change the sheets. I was curious about my temp, so I took my temp with two oral thermometers. They said 95.6 and 94.7. They’re old so I figured they were bad.

Ate breakfast and settled down to sleep (normal routine). After an hour I couldn’t get warm still (not unusual either this time of year) so I took a shower and got dressed. Took my temp again. 98.8. Ok that is weird. On Tylenol and a shower later I do feel fine. My arm isn’t near as sore as the last time, but it is somewhat pink. I think I’ll live. :grinning:


Both my parents (81 and 83) got their second doses of Moderna recently. Dad’s arm was sore the night of the vaccination and couldn’t sleep on that side. The morning after my Mom felt so so. Eventually she went back to bed and didn’t feel sick but “just didn’t feel right” all day. Better on day 2 and felt 100% on day 3. She also felt bad the day after her second shingles shot years ago (Dad had no reaction to his 2nd shingles). So I think it is just the way her body reacts.

I felt very achy after my 2nd shingles shot so I am curious how I will feel after my 2nd dose of COVID vaccine.


That’s how I’d describe myself. I don’t feel right, but I wouldn’t say i feel bad. I would go to work if it was a work day.

I forgot to mention H feels completely fine. Jerk :grimacing: :joy: he did well with his shingles series. He had side effects, but nothing that bad. I haven’t had mine yet (<50)

obviously, everyone is different, but in comparison to shingrix for me:

shingrix 2 < moderna 1 < shingrix 1 <moderna 2, i.e., moderna 2 was the ‘worst’ rxn

fwiw: I did have shingles ~ 1yr prior to obtaining shingrix

That’s fascinating. I’ve heard the shingrix vaccine is pretty tough. Neither of us had anything besides a sore arm with Moderna. We get second dose next week. Then I think we will wait a month for first shingrix. Do it over a long weekend.

I had annoying “flu type” reactions for a couple of days with both Shingrix shots. H had nothing. I’m hoping for better from Covid vaxs. I’ve heard from people with bad reactions to Shingrix doing just fine with both Covid vaxs, so there’s realistic hope.

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When people say they felt “not quite right” I describe it as the groggy/foggy vaccine effect.


Yeah, I can go with “groggy/foggy” for the day after Moderna #1. (I’ll get dose #2 in a few days). I felt wobbly enough that I opted not to go out on my bike despite the gorgeous sunshine that happened to hit that day. Nothing really specific, just feeling enough “off” that I didn’t think biking was a good idea.

But I think it’s important to note that with all the buzz about side-effects, coupled with the V-Safe system (where they send text messages asking how we are feeling) – I think that we are all being attentive to post-vax symptoms that we might not even notice if we weren’t sitting around our houses in our shut-down world, dwelling on how we are feeling.