So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I saw that Indiana is vaccinating 55+ also. Someone I know who is 61 got their vaccine in Indiana and they posted that it’s now 55+. Not teachers though according to her, sounds strictly age.

Add Arizona to the 55+ list of states. My brother said they started taking appts at noon today. He is scheduled to get his in 2 days. I’m so relieved.

Perhaps they expect so much supply from the JJ vaccine that they want to get more appointments going?

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Have the states that have gone to 55+ given all 65+ and other previous priority groups a chance to get the vaccine? (As opposed to only some of the 65+ and other previous priority groups being able to get it then due to shortages.)

South Carolina also goes to 55+ beginning next Monday, March 8th.

That’s nuts about the 55+. I’m 52 and do not feel like I’m in an age group that I feel is considered “old” enough to where we should be given preference to receive it. I got it due to my profession. There are so many elderly people who haven’t gotten it yet. There are also many people on the front lines that haven’t gotten it. I also feel that people in the age group 18-30 engage in way riskier behavior than a 55 year old that if they vaccinated that age group first, they would prevent a lot more cases than by opening it up to healthy 55 year olds. Just my opinion.

In the states that have lower age groups eligible for the vaccine, they are going for age not prioritizing by vocation other than health care workers. That’s what my understanding is.

Now the president has given the directive that all school system employees (and child care workers) have one dose of the vaccine by the end of March.

I wonder if the effect of that will be that by prioritizing people other than school employees, those states will receive more vaccines than those who have already vaccinated school employees? So will it penalize those states who have already make their teachers a priority?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding things

Arizona was vaccinating 65+ , teachers, and first responder types for a while. The state will now include 55+. One article I read indicated that they will lower age by 10 years each time the current age group has been vaccinated to 65% ( I may be wrong on the exact percentage). I think they found that spots were left open so opening to a new group would bring in another wave of eager recipients.



Aren’t there currently in use flu vaccines that have a similar effectiveness as the J & J COVID vaccine? Just because the first 2 are 95+% effective, my understanding is that the J & J percent is still damn good.


As soon as I had an opportunity to make an appointment, I did so. I would have been happy to have any of the three vaccines. I go tomorrow. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Flu vaccines commonly have much lower effectiveness than any of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Governor of Colorado said today he didn’t expect any J&J vaccine this week, but it should pick up next week. He expects a lot more supply in the following weeks.

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I posted on the rollout thread that AZ opened to 55+ today, and DH and I were able to book appointments at a local Fry’s (Kroger) for tomorrow. The scheduler allowed us to book both first and second doses 28 days apart, so it looks like it’s the Moderna vaccine. Our neighbor chose a different location with appointments 21 days apart, so I guess his will be Pfizer. We don’t care. We finally have a date for when this is all over for us and we can see our son. We’re so happy, we’re crying.



And still nothing available for my 92 year old FIL with health issues in VA. I just checked. He’s still on the list for a phone call, but hasn’t received one. I check CVS multiple times per day - fully booked within a couple hours of him.

His doctor is independent vs with a group. We’re seriously thinking that’s part of the problem. Well, that and he’s able to live independently vs being in a nursing or retirement home. He’s fallen through the cracks.

That’s ridiculous! My kids friends are now all starting to be able to get the vaccine here in Illinois because they’re going to be camp counselors this summer and that’s now on the list as an essential worker. How a 92 year old can’t move immediately to the top is a disgrace.


A friend of mine has been trying tirelessly to get a vaccine for her friend in Pennsylvania. Finding the same problem. This is a friend who is eligible as far as age but does not have a strong support system or internet.

Super frustrating

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Be on the lookout soon. I noticed the locations that opened last Wednesday had more open up yesterday. So I would expect the rest of the state to open more in the next 1-3 days.

I did find out why nobody has been called for our generic clinics. The hospital was posting a registration link somewhere on their website. If you knew that (it was never publicized), you could schedule it that way and it filled up fast.

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Thanks - it’s definitely irritating. He signed up on the state’s list as soon as it was available (that took a couple of days for him to get through by phone). It’s been what, a month now? And no one can prioritize calling a 92 year old man.

He’s called his doctor’s office as well as the official list. H checked the official list when it came out last Tuesday online and yes, his name is on it. Instead, places will seemingly tell their buddies so they can get one via a website not advertised to the public.


Hopefully CVS will get more openings soon. I probably check 20-30 times per day from the first thing when I get up to the last thing when I go to bed. They do still have a few openings hours away - H even called FIL about that - but he can’t go that long of a road trip without a bathroom, so doesn’t feel comfortable with that option.


@Creekland where in Virginia? Safeway has also opened in VA and Fairfax county is now moving pretty rapidly through their list. Walgreens, Walmart, and Giant Foods should be coming on line soon. The county really is just moving thru first come first served on their registration list. I got my first one yesterday from the county and I registered January 19th. DH is getting his today and he registered January 20th.