So....who has had a covid vaccine?

DH and I, both 63, had Moderna #1 yesterday at 1PM. Sore arms only this morning. We were expecting to have the flu-like symptoms we experienced with both Shingrix shots and went to bed early last night, but nothing happened. My 84-year old dad and his 85-year-old wife had only sore arms with both Moderna shots as well. I think we’ve discussed here that older immune systems do not react as strongly to the vaccines as younger ones do. I guess that’s one benefit of being “less young.”


My 91 ear old dad had no adverse effects from Moderna #2 this week, which reassured my mom, who gets hers Saturday. Sister and BIL had shot #1 yesterday. It feels like things are starting to ease up.


Almost 24 hours post Pfizer #2. My arm is REALLY sore and I have some pretty uncomfortable generalized body aches. Feel slightly chilly, but feel good under my blanket in bed. D1 had the same shot and had zero side effects after dose #2.


I got my first shot yesterday - I have a childhood-based condition that qualified me before my older husband. Two hours later, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I got it in my dominant arm, since I sleep on the other side. I’m fine now, but I couldn’t believe how tired I was. Arm still a bit sore. (Moderna, done at a grocery store pharmacy because it was the first one that would take me).

Husband is signed up for next week. Nursing student daughter had hers in January. My high school senior will probably have to wait until summer.


I had Moderna #2 last week. I had no reaction to the first shot. This time, my arm got sore after about 3 years. I slept okay. The next day I had some aches, chills, and fatigue. It was a rainy, gloomy day and I took a nice nap. I was pretty sick after Shingix #1 and I fully expected that I would feel just as lousy. This was so much easier.


I heard in IL there’s a waitlist you can get on for the vaccine. I assume it’s basically a standby list you put your name on and if you get called you run over and get it at the end of the day if they have extras. You can’t miss the call because if you do then they move to the next one. I would love to get my husband and son on it, but don’t know the link. If anyone has heard about this, let me know. I know people who have done this but am hoping I can get them to send the link. With the vaccine availability going up I also think getting it through this waitlist may be easier.

You can also volunteer at vaccine admin sites in large county places but the shifts are long so if you’re young and fit you can get a vax that way. I know my daughter said Texas has this set up and I know here too.

DH and I both have medical issues that put us in Group 1C. The closest site to our house is always booked so we decided to make appointments an hour and a half from home, at the end of the month, and based on the 2nd dose date, we gathered it is the Pfizer. Our state released appointments for the J&J this weekend at 24-hour sites and on a lark, I decided to see if we could get appointments for that knowing we can cancel the other ones. Managed to score a pair of appointments on Sunday night, also an hour and a half from home. Now we are debating which ones to get. Love that J&J protects against the variants and that it only one trip and one shot (at this point) even though some folks think it isn’t as effective as the others. Really not sure which to choose at this point and I guess that’s an ok problem to have.

I’m in Illinois, and here’s what I’ve done: I used to find locations offering the vaccine near me. In my area we have Meijer (not in my local store yet), Walgreen’s, Jewel-Osco, and Walmart (not in our location yet), offering vaccines either now or very soon.

I made accounts with Walgreen’s and Meijer. You need separate email addresses for each person (I think that was with Walgreen’s.) Meijer will call or email you with an appointment day and time. You can then accept it, pass (and they keep you on the list for the next available day/time), or reject and be removed from their list.

I clicked through, chose a nearby Walgreen’s, and found appointments. The first time I did this, they were gone by the time I set up the necessary accounts. Walgreen’s seems to open up new appointments each morning around 6am, for a three day period. When I scheduled our appointments, it was at 7am and there were several locations with multiple appointment times.

I had also signed us all up at our county website. We will supposedly be contacted by the county when it’s our “turn” in their queue.

Another aggregator I recently heard about is but I stopped looking around once I found a process that worked for me.

Good luck to everyone searching for appointments.

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Do you need to be in 1a or 1b for those? I already received mine but that’s because I’m a teacher here and went to Walgreens. My husband is a healthy 62 year old. Otherwise my husband is signed up in our county and at the United Center as our town sent up a sign up for that but again when his group becomes eligible, which is dead last!

My mother (79) got her second dose last week. My wife got her first yesterday - I forgot her spleen removal put her in the “compromised immune system” bucket. I suspect I’ll still be waiting for months.

Right - as of now it’s 1A, 1B, and 1B+(eligible medical conditions). My husband (61) and son have to wait, too. But at least there are a variety of options once each new level is added. I think waiting on our county is going to be a long, long wait.

Yeah, that’s our problem too. Thankfully he’s healthy. I think they will start to vaccinate a lot more in the next month so maybe the wait won’t be too bad. I was able to get my parents scheduled pretty easily at Walmart as soon as it opened for them right after I got my time, so I guess we’ll see. Thanks for the help!

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I’m now about 26 hours out from my 2nd dose of Moderna. Arm is sore at the vaccine site – very mild, no restriction on movement-- just sore enough that I notice it. Very mild chills when I am up and walking around – I feel a little shivery but not really cold. Oddly enough I feel very high energy – so I wanted to go out walking, do extra housework etc. Maybe it’s just a mood thing – it feels exciting to be able to contemplate going out and doing stuff in the very new future.


My parents in MA had their second Pfizer doses over the weekend; no reactions at all which is awesome.

My wife and I both had our first Pfizer shots this week and so far no side effects other than feeling tired, but it is hard to tell if it is more than normal.


My DIL is volunteering at a mass vaccine site tomorrow where they will be administering the J&J vaccine. While not the reason she is volunteering, she is hoping she will be offered one. Her physician husband, parents, 2 of her siblings, as well as my husband and I, are all vaccinated, so will be nice if she gets the vaccine.


Are reactions to J&J vaccine similar to the moderna and Pfizer? Sore arm? Anyone knows?

See the following:

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Re: moderna reactions
My parents- 80 and 81, had very different reactions. Dad- super healthy guy- felt fine. Mom-several health conditions- very sore arm day 2 after 1st shot, day 2 after 2nd shot fever, achy, really just like a mild flu. Day 3-perfect! Absolutely worth it.


Got #2 Pfizer Wednesday. After feeling under the weather yesterday, I’m back to normal save for a very slightly sore arm.


Got #1 Pfizer a few days ago. No side effects.