So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I got Pfizer #2 today. I got #1 in January (sore arm) and then Covid 13 days later. So I am a little worried about side effects. My DS (25) is classified as an emergency service worker so he got his first shot (Pfizer also) at the exact same time that I did 400 miles away.


Got Moderna #2 yesterday midday.

Had a bit of rough night. Woke up around 3am with a mild headache, plus chills and low grade fever (under 100Āŗ). Couldnā€™t sleep because I couldnā€™t get warm. Got up at 6:30am to help SIL with the babies. Still had a headache, and the chills had turned to sweats by then. Took some acetaminophen, ate a light breakfast and napped from 8 to 10am. Now Iā€™m feeling pretty good.

Have to say the Shingrix vaccination was much worse than the Covid vaccination in terms of side effects. Shingrix left me feeling terrible for 3 days after the first dose and 2 days after the second.

SIL also got His Moderna #2 at the same time I did. He had a headache, fever, chills and sweats, plus a very sore arm last night. But after some acetaminophen and breakfast and a small nap, heā€™s mostly over his symptoms too.

And in a stroke of irony, I got a text from my home stateā€™s vaccination registration system yesterday giving me my vaccine authorization code. I got my second vaccine dose here on the day I would have gotten my first if I had been home.

Looking forward to getting a haircut when I go home next month.


Same here. I have an appointment for the Moderna through my school district but thatā€™s two weeks away. I can get a J&J appointment as soon as tomorrow. Not sure what to do. I will go back to an in person classroom with unvaccinated 5 and 6 year olds in August.

24 hours post J&J vax, my husband had no issue, not even a sore arm. Mine was given today.


@InfoQuestMom i texted a doctor friend today about the JNJ vaccine for my husband who has some underlying issues. This is what he said

ā€œThe J&J vaccine is just as good for preventing severe illness as other vaccines. Itā€™s just slightly less effective for the mild symptoms. So my husband should absolutely get the J&J if itā€™s available.ā€

I would go tomorrow and get the J&J. You will have full immunity in 4 weeks instead of 7 or 8. (Canā€™t remember which vaccine has which timetable)


I would also be happy to have gotten the J&J. For us, it was whatever we could get first, brand didnā€™t matter.

Interesting, though, that a recent article in the NEJM states that almost full immunization is acquired with the first dose of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines by the time the second booster dose is due (three-four weeks) which is why it makes sense while the vaccines are in short supply to get those first doses into as many arms as possible:

Polack et al. (Dec. 31)1 report a vaccine efficacy of 94.8% against Covid-19 after two doses of the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine BNT162b2 (Pfizerā€“BioNTech). The authors also report a vaccine efficacy of 52.4% from after the first dose to before the second dose, but in their calculation, they included data that were collected during the first 2 weeks after the first dose, when immunity would have still been mounting.1 We used documents submitted to the Food and Drug Administration2 to derive the vaccine efficacy beginning from 2 weeks after the first dose to before the second dose (Table 1). Even before the second dose, BNT162b2 was highly efficacious, with a vaccine efficacy of 92.6%, a finding similar to the first-dose efficacy of 92.1% reported for the mRNA-1273 vaccine (Moderna).3


36 hours since #1 Pfizer. Shoulder pain, body aches, persistent headache, fatigue. But as @WayOutWestMom reports, far less severe than the Shingrix series. Well worth the modest inconvenience.


Thatā€™s the approach the UK is using. Get as many first doses in arms as they can.

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Thank you so much for sharing your friendā€™s feedback.

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Iā€™m on the wait-list for MedStar and a couple other hospital systems in MD. The only place in MD thatā€™s taking 16-64 with conditions is M&T Stadium (NIT Six Flags), and they have no appts. Snagged one twice, but it disappeared before getting my info logged in. CVS/Walgreens are not taking 18-64.

Still no mass vacc site in Montgomery County (largest population in the state). County has IDā€™d a site, governor has declined to permit it.

Most of my sibs/spouses in GA and KY have gotten theirs. FIL in NJ has had his.

99 yo neighbor who got Covid in January (lives at home, got it from home care aide) got her #1 yesterday.

Very, very discouraging here.


My soon to be 83 and 80 year old parents had Dose 2 of Moderna on Wednesday late afternoon. Neither had any symptoms after Dose 1, other than my father mentioning sore arm.

With Dose 2, my father woke up in the middle of the night with chills and by the end of the evening yesterday (Th) had a headache. Today he was totally fine. My mom, however, completely symptom free.

After thinking about it it hit me that my mom who has high blood pressure, diabetes, recent heart conditions, kidney transplant recipient and stage 4 lung cancer (has chemo every 3 weeks) and is much more sickly than my father, I find it pretty impressive she had no effects at all from either dose, but then I remembered she is also Type O blood and know there have been some studies done about how people with Type O blood have decreased chances of getting covid. Now I wonder if thereā€™s also any relationship in terms of the side effects to the vaccine (or lack of side effects) as well and curious if anyone else out there with Type O has had similar results?


I am so sorry to hear things are going so slowly in Maryland. I lived in Montgomery County for ten years and still have a few good friends there. Why wonā€™t the governor approve the site? How frustrating!

First dose Pfizer yesterday in Massachusetts. Arm a little sore. So looking forward to the spring when hopefully all can be vaccinated. Our local school district has just scheduled a vaccination clinic for staff in March so hopefully we will be on our way for a better school year next year.


@CountingDown y relatives are having trouble getting an appointment for an 87 year old with other issues.

Who is eligible in MD?

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My MIL and her sister had their first jabs of Moderna 3 and 1/2 weeks ago. The problem they are having now is getting their second dose. They had appointments to get them but they were cancelled due to shortages. And they still have not been able to make new appointments. Ugh.


Ugh! Where is this happening?

Escondido, CA.

Wow, really? I am very close to them. Who are they signed up with, the county or a pharmacy chain?

They went to a Vons for their first shot. I think it was all they could find at the time.

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Have they tried CVS? I am pretty sure they can schedule the second dose only. It seems their best bet would be to try super early in the morning like 5.00am when slots are available.

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