So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Thanks-I will tell them to try CVS. And, yes, my MIL was up at 4:30 every morning trying to schedule their first shots so she knows the drill. Thanks so much for the tip!


I hope it works out! :crossed_fingers:

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3/4 of us now have two doses. Younger S got his second Moderna at 11:30 yesterday. He said before he went to bed (probably 3am lol) he got chills and a 101 fever, but he slept it off and feels fine now. The rest of my coworkers got their yesterday. It will be interesting to hear their stories Monday.

Even if they go more than 4 weeks for the booster they’ll be fine. The first one provides more than 90% efficacy they’ve learned, but yeah hopefully you can get them in sooner than later. I think my brother in LA had to go an extra week when Dodger stadium ran out. My daughter in Austin also had to go extra when the vaccination sites were all closed due to the bad weather and then delays of getting the shipments.

Another way a lot of people are getting them is just showing up at the pharmacies at the end of the day in hopes of getting the extra doses available. It’s not ideal but for some it’s working and if they’ve had their first doses, no one will view it as cutting the line.

It’s been bad scheduling second shots here in the San Diego area. Second Moderna appointments have been cancelled and/or rescheduled everywhere due to shortages. They could try this site: When Petco was such an issue, I was able to find back up appointments at a Rite Aid via that site. But I only managed that at about 1:15 am. (Our rescheduled appointments are at Petco today: fingers crossed. Rite Aid backups are for Wednesday.)

I have a friend who walked into her local Rite Aid where she was a regular customer last week during the rains. They had had cancellations and gave her the second dose.


Thanks!! I will send her that link. Funny that my FIL had his first dose at PETCO and they scheduled his second dose right at that time. He had his second dose a few days ago with no cancellation issues. I guess he was lucky!

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Michigan Rite-Aid changed their eligibility to 55 today. I was able to schedule vaccine appointments for my husband and I for Tuesday.

We are traveling 40 miles from our house. Found it through vaccine finder that was posted here. Thanks so much!

People can do what they want but after I signed my husband up, he wanted me to try and schedule at the same time since it’s a little ways away. I put no vocation and no underlying conditions down and it still let me schedule an appointment.

We will be receiving Pfizer-BioNTech. This Rite-Aid is in a college town with a pharmacy school. They were the only place showing availability and I do wonder if it’s because the college has a freezer available. Don’t know, just wondering. This Rite-Aid has consistently shown availability. They had appointments available every day next week

Tagging @kelsmom and @scout59 who I know are in Michigan.


This seems to be a common problem with the pharmacies. I believe Kaiser will give you a second vaccine regardless of where you received your first. You need to make sure you bring your card and that the site you go to is offering that vaccine. Fortunately I think Moderna is easier to find in CA. Here is the Kaiser So Cal Vaccine Website but you might call just to double check.

ETA: You don’t need to be a Kaiser member to receive a vaccine through Kaiser.

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Oooh, thank you. I just checked Rite Aid last night & they weren’t doing it yet. I am going to try to get us appointments now!


Here’s the eligibility list in Maryland. Vaccine

CVS & Walgreens are only taking some categories from the list. The mass vac centers (except M&T) aren’t taking 1c patients. Hospitals aren’t getting enough vaccine to go to their most critical patients. Unlike other states, MD requires that you sign up at each place that offers vaccinations. I’m on lists for JHU, MedStar, Adventist and my oncologist. There are no pre-registration lists for mass vacc sites, only appointments (when posted).

It looks hopeful til you go to the individual sites to sign up, and each uses a different set of criteria for eligibility. Maryland has a short list of Phase 1c age 16-64 medical conditions. Many sites are also restricted to residents of that county.

Over age 75 is definitely eligible, but it’s still a challenge to get appointments. I have friends who are 65+ and have had success with CVS (check in the wee hours for appointments).

I’m 60 and in active cancer treatment (plus other issues that make me a 1a in a number of nearby states) and the only site that says I’m eligible has no appointments.

Why is MD so messed up? Outdated perceptions of MontCo demographics and SES. We’re the most populous county in the state, #2 in Covid cases. The governor just hired the previous head of the CDC as an advisor. The governor said this week that POC didn’t want vaccinations. That’s probably as far as I can go under TOS here.

So happy you were to get these appointments !


Has anybody had any luck in NJ? It has been impossible, even as a health care worker.

Reading through these comments on side effects in a totally mental exercise it appears that the Moderna has harsher side effects than the Pfizer, especially the chills.

Did you make a spreadsheet? Jk

In my mind the two are almost equivalent, and after second dose in the sample of our immediate family plus parents, the 2 Pfizer college kids both had fevers (so 100%), one over 101, the adults all got Moderna and one Moderna age 50+ fever over 101, one mild chills and the 70+ and 2 80+ no effects.

I think your reaction depends much more on your age, previous covid, and personal immune system. I wouldn’t go aiming for M over P because of side effects, I’d still take the first one I could get.

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Thank you! I believe they do have Kaiser, but I’ll check.

Even better. If they are Kaiser members, they should be good. If they log on and try to schedule a vaccine they will be asked, “Have you received your first COVID-19 vaccine dose outside of Kaiser Permanente?” Again, it might be easier to call.

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success! Whew. We were at 34 days, Moderna. We will see how husband and I fare in the next two days.

I think someone could market double V pins.



Daughter in Austin is due for her second Moderna on Monday, but due to the snow, she will be delayed a bit. She did receive an email explaining that she had not been forgotten, and would receive an email to scheduled the week she is due. Hopefully it won’t be more than a week or two late. As she was pretty sick with the first vaccine, she would like to schedule her work so she doesn’t have any big meeting the two days after the second dose.

While she was told at the time of the first dose, to just show up 4 weeks later if she didn’t receive the email to schedule, this email specifically stated if you show up without an appointment, you would be turned away!

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No success yet in signing up, but I am not eligible to actually get my shot until at least the 22nd. Hopefully, something will open up 
 I am registered with my county, my hospital system, and a local pharmacy chain. I will keep trying Rite Aid, too. I am anxious to get vaccinated so that I can feel more comfortable out and about among all the people who are “over it” & not taking precautions anymore.


Think in terms of *potential" side effects – I just had a very easy time with #2 Moderna. I did have chills – but extremely mild. I felt shivery some of the time after getting the shot, but it was very mild – I didn’t bother taking my temp, and I actually felt very high energy. I honestly don’t think I would have noticed but for the fact that I was primed to look out for post-vaccine reactions (and filling out a V-Safe daily report). That and a slightly sore arm are the sum total.

And yes, I know others have a worse time – but my friend who was really thrown for a loop had received the Pfizer, so you never know. My recommendation is simply to schedule the vaccine at a time when you can afford a day off the next day. There don’t seem to be many people reporting significant symptoms lasting more than a day or so.

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