So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Our results.

Self: Moderna #2 flu like symptoms (fever, chills, aches, severe headache) and sore arm beginning 10 hours post and for another 24 hours. Mostly better by third day.

Spouse: Moderna #2 mild sore arm only

S21: Pfizer #2 extreme fatigue day of

Nothing but a sore arm for all after #1.

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Just reporting back. Thirty hours after Pfizer #2 (plus Covid in between). Mildly sore arm last night but just the upper arm (I got the shot in my non-dominant arm), for shot #1 my whole arm was sore. I played tennis for three hours this morning without any issues and no pain now in my arm.


The United Center in Chicago opens this week as a mass vaccination site and there are many spots available Vaccine Booking | Zocdoc

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It was mentioned previously that NJ opened up vaccine to adults who are “overweight” (defined as BMI > 25). Since this probably includes about 2/3 or more of the adult population in the US and most US states, NJ is almost at the free-for-all stage now, despite continuing shortage. Anyone in a previous priority group who did not get one yet is now competing with most of the adult population for the limited supply of vaccine.

Since I posted I scored an appointment! Yippee! Not overweight, employed in healthcare.


I am in AZ for a month and easily booked an appointment for today. It looked like most sites were administering Moderna, which is what I got at Walgreens. I hope I can get an OH Walgreens to give me the second dose next month. They suggested I wait 30 mins. afterwards due to my previous anaphylactic reactions.


I agree that you don’t have to be a Kaiser member to get your shot through them. My mom, H and I are all nonmembers but signed up on their website and received Pfizer shots at their clinic. My lung doc says it’s a complicated combo of things that affects people’s reactions to vaccines. He received Moderna and felt “tingly.” He says I am lucky my 91 year old mom and I just had sore arms at injection site from our Pfizer shots. H felt mild flu-like symptoms for 48 hours from both his Pfizer shots. In general her reacts more to shots while I react more to Rx taken via other means—go figure.

We were lucky my relative sent us a link to sign up for Kaiser to get a Kaiser # tho we are nonmembers. H and my mom are 75+ and I’m a caregiver and have very bad lung conditions.

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So I woke up today feeling fine after getting the first Pfizer shot on Friday afternoon. I definitely felt side effects yesterday including sore arm, muscle aches, fatigue but it wasn’t terrible. Hoping the second shot goes well in three weeks but will plan on some side effects. I am so glad going forward there will be a one shot option with Johnson and Johnson. I don’t see all these young people who are having such a hard time with covid restrictions going to two appointments.


Had my first Moderna yesterday (@ CVS in Connecticut, which opened up 55-65 age group on March 1st).

Mildly sore arm this morning (feels like nothing compared to my first Shingrix shot).

Second shot scheduled for April 3rd.


My daughter just got her 2nd dose at the convention center there Friday. No issues rescheduling due to the storm, so they are good about that. She went with someone who they had messed up their vaccination date the first time and in their system wasn’t yet due Friday but she was going anyway and showing her card to show them that she was due and I don’t think she had any problems. My daughter had no side effects, however, second dose side effects are worse than first. Did your daughter previously have covid? They do say if you had covid, then you generally have worse side effects, especially if you had them after the first dose.

I hope they drop it to age 55 here soon. My husband hasn’t had it and has no health issues so we’re just waiting.


Where in AZ?

Indiana here – state has been vaccinating first for health care and emergency responders and then strictly age-based. With the big influx of available doses last week, Indiana shocked us – eligibility dropped to 60+ on Monday, 55+ on Tuesday, 50+ on Wednesday! I got Pfizer this week, very sore arm but that was only side effect and felt fine the next day.

Our county has done a really good job with roll-out, and was using a waiting list where you could sign up for “extra” end of the day dose alert, as long as you could arrive in 20 minutes of the phone call that they had the shot. We understand they were generally using that list to call people in the next age group down or people whose scheduled shots were several weeks out still, so it’s not like 25 year olds were able to get a shot that way. My husband got Moderna that way – absolutely no side effects. Neither of us looking forward to reported side effects of second shot, but thrilled to be fully inoculated in a few more weeks.


@srparent15 My daughter received a email last night to schedule her second in Austin. Due to the storms, they are administering 1st doses on Mondays and Tuesdays, and second doses Thursdays and Fridays, at least according to the original email. The scheduling email actually allowed her to schedule on Wednesday, so maybe they added Wednesday for second doses.

My daughter did not have Covid, but is known to be sicker than the average bear. It didn’t surprise me that she was nauseous and felt sick for 2-3 days; she was sick almost her entire pregnancy with my GD. Fingers crossed she isn’t as sick with the 2nd dose.

Edit: I meant to say, while she was told there would be a delay with the second dose, she was due Monday, and is now scheduled for Wednesday, so not delayed.

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Walgreens in Phoenix for me yesterday. H got his at a Scottsdale Walgreens today.


That’s great! The greater Phoenix area has several HUGE vaccine sites and that probably is helping.


24 hour post second Moderna dose - both of us have sore arms, me more than husband, but I always have a sore arm after vaccinations. I slept poorly last night, same thing happened with first dose - like my body was too busy making antibodies to rest. Or perhaps my sore shoulder was the culprit. I woke with a very slight fever and took Tylenol. Husband only has a few muscle aches. Neither of us have anything resembling flu symptoms.

Update: husband now has temp of 99.8. The fact that he actually took his temperature means he’s feeling it. So that hit well after 24 hours. My temp is back to normal.


In the last week or so, it has seemed to open up considerably for people in NJ - but, you have to be in the know as far as when appointments are released and how to get one - being on the state registry/waiting list has not proven fruitful for anyone that I know of. Everyone I know who has gotten an appointment recently has gotten info from these two social media accounts:

The latter (FB group) actually has volunteers who will help eligible people get appointments. Definitely worth joining.


The overweight eligibility kicks in March 15th.

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Unlike after first Moderna shot (ie fever, chills, heart palpitations), after second shot, I had what I’d describe as low grade headache day of and day after. Today I feel fine. Glad to have both vaccines in rear view mirror.