So....who has had a covid vaccine?

My D, who is working in a schools is over 90 days out from getting covid, and had her first Moderna shot today. With her being young and having had Covid, will see what the side affects are.


Not sure if this a side effect or not. Itā€™s 48 hours after my second Moderna shot, and I just noticed my arm has a reddened circle a few inches down from the injection spot. It doesnā€™t itch but is sore to the touch. I had no reaction to the first shot and it doesnā€™t seem to fit the definition/timing of Covid arm.

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I received my second shot on Friday (Moderna). No after effects Friday evening or upon waking Saturday morning. By about 10am Saturday morning I was feeling a bit woozy so went to bed. I woke at 2pm - on fire! I had a 103.4 temperature - chills, fatigue, massive headache and nausea. I slept on and off until about 8pm and then got up to eat; I couldnā€™t eat a thing and went back to bed at 8:30pm with a 102.8 temperature. I woke at 9:30 Sunday morning with a 101 temp still feeling chilled, and headachy - by Sunday afternoon fever was gone but was still feeling woozy. Today (Monday) Iā€™m just feeling nauseous and cold sweats. other than that, Iā€™m fine. of note, my arm hurt a lot worse, and a lot longer (two weeks), after the first shot than the second.


Wow, that sounds really rough! I often get migraines and nausea with viruses, so I bet Iā€™ll feel similar to you after the second shot. It could be a reason to get J&J, but Iā€™ll get whatever Iā€™m offered first.

Iā€™ve heard of severe reactions happening after the first shot if the person had Covid.

My med school lad reminded H this past weekend that some with Moderna get Hives as a side effect and that usually happens a bit after the shot. He reminded him because FIL got his first shot today. Iā€™m sure it applies across the board though.

Itā€™s not supposed to be anything bad - just something that might come (not everyone gets it) and will go away. Iā€™m thinking he said it was recently added to the list of potential side effects?

I think it was ok (to be expected). I recall I had a similar reaction after the Shingles vaccine (I donā€™t remember if it was the first or second shot) With the Moderna, I reacted to both.
Iā€™mg glad I reacted - it means my immune system is working!


For those concerned about allergies to specific vaccine ingredients, (Appendix C near the bottom) has a list of ingredients for the Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Janssen (J&J) vaccines.

Specifically regarding polyethylene glycol (in Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) and polysorbate 80 (in Janseen), Appendix B has this footnote:

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Seemed too early to be Covid arm and not right at injection site, but I do have a history of red rashes in odd spots from food/medicine allergies so perhaps. Iā€™m dithering between taking Claritin or Tylenol. Itā€™s not raised or itchy; just red and sore to pressure. No big deal at present and other symptoms are basically gone. This spot is sorer than injection site!

My daughter had similar @Marilyn - she did have a little itching. The redness stayed a few days after any other symptoms went away. She ended up applying aloe and taking Benadryl for a couple doses.

Well, thanks for that info. On night #3 after Moderna #2, I woke up with hives around my waistline, itching, then fell back to sleep. When I woke up again, they were gone. I was going to enter it on V-Safe, but the site was down when I tried to log in. Then I decided that it was too far removed from the vaccine anyway, and it was probably some sort of contact allergy. I do get hives from time to time, though never before on that part of my body ā€“ and it is a common response for me to mild viral infections).

Anyway, now I know that the hives maybe could be a vaccine response. Some of my self-monitoring for vaccine ā€œreactionā€ has gotten a little silly ā€“ like noticing 2 days out that my vaccination site itched a little bit and that there was a little bump the size of a mosquito bite.

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Thanks for the info! Iā€™ve been trying to get DH an appointment today for the J&J vaccine because of his PEG allergy. Definitely going to check with his doc first, but it sounds like he may need to wait until he can get it at a hospital location (currently only available at CVS here).

On the second night after her first Moderna dose, my daughter had a rash on her chest. She sometimes gets these kinds of rashes when she is sick with an infection. She took Benadryl and was fine (went away in a day). She did not have the rash after her second dose. She did enter it into the V-Safe site.

Thought I would share in case it impacts anyone.

I found a forum on that has now grown to 9 pages of people experiencing longer term dizziness and vertigo issues after receiving the vaccines.

I experienced the same thing after a flu shot some years ago, so was already hesitant about this vaccine. :grimacing:

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Well, we finally found out why Hā€™s best buddy never got called fir his 2nd vaccine. Someone transposed the phone number and made the last digit a 7 instead of a 0 so no response on the phone. We got them to use the correct phone # and call himā€”heā€™s having his shot tomorrow, 10am! Yay!


I had the JnJ shot yesterday. Just some injection site tenderness and this morning a mild headache. Also a bit of restless sleep, but all in all nearly no reaction.


Any report of Pfizer causing some mild hives? due for my second dose next week. (I got some years ago with the flu shot).

In my research last night it seems my itchless redness might be related to the lymphatic system. They are finding that swollen lymph glands are a possible side effect, and possibly a drainage tube might swell. I found references to red painful areas on the same arm as the injection for that reason within 2 to 4 days post. Itā€™s supposed to subside in a few days. So I tried an ice pack last night on the premise canā€™t hurt, might help.

Here are my sources for this theory:

Lymphadenopathy generally presented in the two to four days following COVID-19 vaccination and lasted an average of one to two days. Symptoms included swelling of lymph nodes in both the arm and neck which may or may not be tender to palpation.,first%20and%20second%20dose%20respectively.

Yay! Iā€™m so glad it worked for you, @deb922! I think I said earlier that I got my vaccine in Ohio, and the Rite-Aid was about 40 miles from my house, too. What a relief to get the vaccine process started!


We asked him if it was any of the vax or just Moderna. He told us right now itā€™s solely linked to Moderna officially. He didnā€™t know if there were any unofficial results. Modernaā€™s would have been unofficial until they saw enough of them to add it.

Otherwise, H tells me FIL hasnā€™t had anything other than a slightly sore arm so far. He was out picking his Collards this morning!


I missed that news @scout59 but Iā€™m really happy for you!