So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Redness fading but developed lumpiness under the skin so went to my dermatologist this morning. He was bored LOL and said it’s an allergic reaction to the vaccine that he’s seen in other patients and not to worry. So off to meet friends for lunch and celebrate with another tropical cocktail.


DH had Pfizer #1 yesterday morning. No side effects except a sore upper arm.


I became eligible this morning at 8am. By 9:15am I had an appointment (the website for registration kept crashing but I just kept trying nonstop), and by 4:30pm today I had my first dose. The National Guard ran the site I went to, and everything was efficient and everyone was helpful and happy.

Team Pfizer!


My D21 and I are signed up for our first Pfizer doses tomorrow morning. Will report back how we do. Right now I’m feeling a little nervous, but also emotional and grateful.


Did your in laws ever get their second dose?

Yes! They finally did – they were able to get their 2nd shots at a local fire station. Now, all we need is to have my D20 in Florida vaccinated. Still waiting for her to become eligible.


Has anyone had a vaccine while still fighting a cold? I know the immune system should not be fighting anything, but I just can’t seem to catch a break with my health enough to get a shot!

I had a cough that lingered for weeks & have no idea how I caught it. No other symptoms except a slight sore throat in the beginning. I had a flu shot so not the flu. Tested 3x and not COVID.

I was still coughing when I made my appointment to get vaccinated so a bit worried. By the time my appointment came around I was only coughing occasionally.

Had the first vaccine 4 days ago (Pfizer) and so far no side effects. And, my cough is basically gone too!


Got my first Moderna shot today at 5:30 pm!!!

Very sore arm, but I don’t mind at all. I am just thrilled to pieces to have a vaccine in my body and the second dose scheduled for 4 weeks.

Very happy this evening!!!


Just got my 2nd Pfizer vaccine. I cleared my calendar for possible side effects. We’ll see.


Got my first Pfizer shot this past Friday. My mom is a pharmacist at my regional hospital, and was able to squeeze me in to get my vaccine before their clinic moved locations.


Now here’s a bonus for getting vaccinated!!!


There is a krispy Kreme a mile from my home. I already gained the Covid 15. !


Hope Dunkin follows suit. No KK near here.


No donut shops anywhere near our home. There is a local General store who makes fabulous pastries we have been enjoying once/week. H and I split the order of 4 or so pastries so thus far we haven’t had weight gain issues. The baker’s specialty is very light, flaky pastries. Yum!

Oh man, me too! I already started my fasting/keto regimen in early February and there’s no way I’m going to ruin my progress now.

My D21 and I have now officially had our first Pfizer doses! I was a little nervous because I have true allergies, with a history of anaphylaxis, to both Pencillin and Sulfa drugs, but I’m feeling fine. My D21, who has moderate to severe asthma, felt like she needed her inhaler at the 1/2 hour mark, but other than that, we are both doing well. I don’t really feel like my arm is sore, either, but maybe that will come later.

Very thankful. It’s been a long year.


Noooo! Free donuts! We are going to gain another covid 15!

Got my first Pfizer dose yesterday. :smiley:


I just had to say how much I enjoy reading all of the responses of those who got their vaccines. So much joy and relief. It raises my spirits every time. :heart:


Hmmm - there is a Krispy Kreme 20 minutes away. Perhaps after Passover… But there’s also a great little donut shop 3 minutes away.

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