So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I had rye bread with cream cheese today. I prefer that to a donut.

Hmm - apparently you donā€™t need to be vaccinated to get a free Krispy Kreme - on Mondays only for a couple of months.

We understand that choosing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is a highly personal decision. We advise all employees and guests to consult with their healthcare provider regarding whether to obtain a COVID-19 vaccination and which vaccine to receive after reviewing the available information. If you have made the personal decision to not receive the COVID vaccine, please visit us on Mondays, 3/29/21 ā€“ 5/24/21, to receive a free Original GlazedĀ® doughnut and a medium brewed coffee to get your week off to a good start.

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I just received the reminder for my second dose scheduled for tomorrow. I am hoping for a mild (or no) reaction. :crossed_fingers:t3: My D is scheduled for a 24-hour shift Thursday and I am the caregiver for GS and GD. H may have to step upā€¦


Reading these comments I feel so sorry for a friend in Saskatchewan Canada. He is 66 and the age limit is 67!. The variants are widespread there. And they are not allowed to get their second shot for four months per Canadian government policy. A policy that has not been approved by Pfizer and Moderna.

First dose of the Pfizer vaccine this week. Didnā€™t know what Iā€™d get until I arrived at the drive-through site. The only side effect is a sore arm that eventually warranted some Tylenol. I still canā€™t believe I got a time slot so soon after becoming eligible. H is up next.

I feel like doing Snoopyā€™s happy dance.


Iā€™m amazed at how many of you like donuts - esp Krispy Kreme. Donuts have very little appeal to me - none if they arenā€™t coconut or very plain. It must be somewhat genetic as my youngest son canā€™t stand the taste of any donut and has been that way since his youth (me too).

Humans and our taste buds are so differentā€¦ No donut shop anywhere would exist if it depended upon my patronage, and thatā€™s not just because Iā€™m wary of the calories.


Iā€™ve been known to drive the long way home to avoid seeing the ā€œHotā€ sign at a Krispy Kreme. Who can resist hot, freshly made donuts??!! Not me. No point in testing my willpower. :rofl:

The funny thing is that as a rule I do not have a sweet tooth. :woman_shrugging:


I actually donā€™t like Krispy Creme donuts. They taste way too sweet for me. But I do like fancy well made donuts. I love New Orleans style beignets!


I do have a sweet tooth but greatly prefer a raised donut to a cake donut.

Now it seems some cruise lines will be requiring passengers to be vaccinated. Between donuts and cruising, could that persuade some vaccine reluctant?


Lol, I didnā€™t expect so much donut discussion from my KK post. Maybe we should start a donut thread. :slight_smile: :wink:


KK too far from us unless weā€™re getting a dozen. Easy to avoid that temptation :grinning:. Had my second shot of Pfizer yesterday. Was tired late afternoon to evening and just a little sore last night but thatā€™s it. Iā€™m past 24 hours and feeling great. A lot of folks I know are not getting bad reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.


I got Pfizer last week. My husband got his first yesterday.

Iā€™ve never had a Krispy Kreme donut. The closest is about a 40 min. drive, but I am in that area every now and then. This might give me a reason to try one.


@Marilyn my H is from Bermuda and has family that still lives there. Royal Caribbean announced they are home porting a ship in Bermuda with a fully vaccinated crew and adults 18 and over who are vaccinated can take a cruise.

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Interesting approach, what could go wrong?

Got mine. Krispie Kreme, here I come.


If you are going to get one, be sure to get one of the original ones that are still warmā€¦I am not a huge fan of ones that are not fresh and warm but the ones that are still warm are great I think.


Agreed! Iā€™m a HOT Krispy Kreme fan. Otherwise, I donā€™t care for them. But when that HOT sign is onā€¦ hard to drive on by! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Ok, I know this isnā€™t the donut thread, but I learned that a quick low level microwave can help restore a Krispy Kreme. I learned this when husband and son would make a run and bring home a dozen, or however many would be left.

I am back from an outdoor lunch with husband; getting in as many dine outs as possible before Passover.


I think they say on the box 8 seconds is what is needed in the microwave and it does make them much better, but still nowhere near as good as the melt-in-your-mouth when they are fresh :wink:

Got our first jab two weeks ago and then my H came down with the virus about 5 days later. Presumed vector is our middle school aged son whom he (and he alone) had a long car ride with for spring break. We have been SO careful! Ugh.