So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Did you come down with the virus?

Doesnā€™t seem like anyone else got it, but weā€™ll find out in a couple days when we test.

The vaccine works better if you eat a donut afterwards.


@Marilyn @yearstogo
Iā€™m going to pretend I did not read that tip. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Free donuts, free joint in Michigan, 10 cent beers in Ohioā€¦and you can get your vaccine card laminated at Staples for free.


I will start on this regimen ASAP to prevent any future infections.


I got dose #2 (Pfizer) today. It is eight plus hours later and I have a very slight headache. Nothing else so far. :crossed_fingers:t3:

There was a gentleman sitting in the ā€˜specialā€™ waiting area that collapsed and fell off his chair and to the floor. The medical team quickly assisted him. He was alert and helped to a wheelchair within two minutes and quickly moved to a draped area. Hoping heā€™s okay!


I had my annual physical earlier in the day and my doc and I were discussing how I was in the last group to be eligible because I didnā€™t want to use my ā€œcancer cardā€ to get to the front of the line.

I got home and a few minutes later a friend of mine called and said if you can get to LOCATION in 5 minutes, we have an extra dose! She is a nurse working one of the county sites and they had some no-shows and had to find people to take them so they wouldnā€™t go to waste, so I got shot #1 of Pfizer! And it was a mile from my house!
Tomorrow DH drives 2 hours for his second dose, that we worked for a week to obtain because the rollout is so bad around here.


We just got my D her first dose that way! End of day extra vaccines and a mile from our house. :grin: She had an appointment in a week and a half because our state made available to 16 and up as of yesterday, but Iā€™m happy she got it even sooner. I had to drive over an hour for mineā€¦ I should have waited! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Seriously so happy we are able to get these now.


I just did round 2 this past Sunday. Started a new job on Monday and had to excuse myself from WebEx as my body aches and chills were just overpowering.

Woke up on Tuesday A-OK except for an annoying rash on my arm.

10/10 would do again.


S and his GF got the J&J vaccine on 3/13. S had some aches, chills & fatigue the day after. GF was fine. Several days later, she started to feel crummy. When she lost her sense of smell, they knew they needed to be tested. Yes, they were tested on Tuesday and theyā€™re both positive. They think they were infected while waiting in line (outdoors) for several hours at the open clinic in their area.

Then they should contact the clinic for contact tracing purposes.

If they were outdoors, and masked, and distancedā€¦how would they have gotten exposed there. Iā€™m not saying they didnā€™t, just asking.

Hoping they have a mild case and can move forward.

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My wife and I just received our 2nd dose of Pfizer last night, and are not feeling 100% today, but nothing serious. Slight headache and probably more tired than usual, but we are usually pretty tired by Friday afternoons anyway. We have both been hydrating which seems to help, but no chills, fever or GI issues.

I am really looking forward to going to work and grocery shopping etc., without feeling as stressed out about it.


Got the second Pfizer shot yesterday. Today feeling a little under the weather but not too bad.


Iā€™m surprised there havenā€™t been more reports of infection at vaccine sites, honestly. Around here most of the time is spent indoors. I have even wondered if the uptick in cases in my area is due to vaccination sites. So glad they got tested. Many people would just write symptoms off as vaccine related. The loss of smell was fortunate in a way as a tipoff.

thatā€™s too bad for your son and GF. sorry. i have a hard time wrapping my mind around how it all works, with reports of people getting the virus around the time they get the vaccine, or in between shots. will they be able to get shot #2 on time?

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@Mansfield family got J and Jā€¦so no second shot needed.

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Got first Moderna shot about 2 hours ago. So far, so good.


Which version did you get?

They canā€™t think of any other situation where they would have been exposed. Iā€™ll suggest they contact the clinic for tracing purposes. Good idea. As I understand, they were masked and outdoors, but the distancing might not have been optimal at times. Son is asymptomatic. GF had a rough few days but is feeling much better. Theyā€™re quarantining now. Luckily they had the J&J shot so they donā€™t need to worry about a second vaccine.