So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Pfizer. It was what my wife’s hospital (Kaiser) had available. No complaints!


New study is very encouraging on prevention of all infection!


D20 got her 1st Pfizer shot today.


My H, D, S and I along with a significant other all got our first dose of Pfizer yesterday. Two different locations. My H and I had appointments through our county health department and the younger generation was able to get leftovers via being on a wait list at CVS.


Got my second Pfizer dose yesterday. Woke up at 2.00am with chills. Managed to sleep some. Body aches and fatigue today. No fever.


Finally, 24 days after my second Moderna shot, I can say the last hints of redness and the lumpiness under my skin are gone.


Two sets of parents ranging in age from 75 to 84 yo received their second shot of Moderna vaccine yesterday. We told them to take Tylenol an hour before we left for the appointment. This morning, other than having sore arms out parents are feeling ok with only sore arms.

Here’s some info though. My mom received the second dose in the morning and a tetanus (Tdap) shot in the afternoon after getting a big cut on her big toe, tendon has to be stitched and sutures closed. A doctor family friend told me via text that CDC guidelines okays getting both vaccines because it outweighs the risk of infection. I know not a lot of doctors or PAs/NPs are comfortable with this. I was asked by podiatrist to check on my mom for the next day or two. Mom is doing okay.


Ouch! I hope your mom does ok through it all. It sounds quite painful!

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Yay, my S just got his 1st shot at DC pharmacy tho his GF is still waiting. He didn’t complain of any side effects.


I got my first shot of moderna yesterday. So far I only have a very slightly sore arm.


I’m curious. Guidelines are NO aspirin/Tylenol prior to shot, and best if nothing afterwards. I wish I do was consistent

My doc suggested no to take anything before vaccine. Have read ok to take Tylenol as needed afterwards for folks who need it. I didn’t needs it, nor did my mom. H took Tylenol about 36 hours afterwards and said it helped his malaise.

DH and I received our second Moderna shots this AM and celebrated by having lunch with Margaritas on the patio of one of our favorite Scottsdale restaurants, the first time we’ve eaten at a restaurant in over a year (we never do takeout). It felt glorious, and we lingered because there were only two other occupied tables, nowhere near us.

It’s been eight hours and our arms are beginning to feel sore, just like last time, but no other symptoms so far.

ETA: Same drill as first time – same pharmacy in a busy part of town, no one there, we just walked up and got our shots. Also same as first time, they didn’t make us wait for observation. :woman_shrugging:


Second shot is tomorrow and I’m excited!


Had second Pfizer vaccine on Monday. Daughters got their first Moderna yesterday.


I had my second shot yesterday and last night had aches and chills most of the night. Feeling better now though.

I have had two free KK doughnuts using my Covid card :wink:


I got the J&J shot yesterday. Got in my car, felt relieved and turned on the radio. First story I heard on the news was about the mishap with 15 million doses of the J&J vaccine in the Baltimore facility. I was up all night worrying!! Can’t win :roll_eyes:


My husband got his first dose of Moderna on Tuesday, my 16 y/o and I got our first doses of Pfizer yesterday. My 21 y/o gets her second dose of Pfizer tomorrow. That just leaves my 18 and 20 y/o sons left to get vaccinated. My 20 y/o was supposed to get vaccinated tomorrow but found out one of his college housemates tested positive on Tuesday so now my son is in mandatory quarantine :disappointed:. So far, my son has tested negative so if he continues to test negative we will be able to reschedule him. My 18 y/o should be eligible soon due to his P/T job.


I hope your son avoids it!

H has two high school classmates who received the vaccine recently and now have Covid. Naturally, people are blaming it on the vaccine. :exploding_head: They may, of course, have gotten it from someone while waiting to get the vaccine, but one can’t get Covid from any of the vaccines. Regardless, others are telling people not to get it now. (sigh)

Knowing them they could have caught it elsewhere too. They weren’t exactly cautious.