So....who has had a covid vaccine?

My opinion…if they got positive covid diagnoses very shortly after their vaccines, they should be contacting the vaccine site for contact tracing purposes.

Or contacting whomever is doing contact tracing in your area.

they said all the doses that were out now came from the netherlands and are safe.


My D just left to get her first Pfizer shot, S1 has an appointment on Saturday and S2 on the 13th. S1 and DIL are expecting their second child in 3 weeks so we hope he can make it to his second shot when scheduled! DIL is fully vaccinated already.


I’d agree with you, but this is in NC and while it’s a different area than my son lives in within the state, we’ve hardly been impressed with how that state has handled anything (at least in the two areas we’re very familiar with - other areas might be better). I doubt there is much going on with contact tracing.

H knows about it all with his classmates because they are friends on FB.

I did read that. Thank you!

D reported that the new state site in Rockland County, NY was empty and organized this morning. I was also able to snag an appointment next week for S2 at Javits as I was refreshing the NYS site exactly when hey must have dropped a group of appointments.


@runnersmom is the Rockland County site the one in Suffern? I’m looking at that one but not seeing any availability.

Yes, I snagged the appointments right when the site opened to 30+ on Tuesday morning. I haven’t seen any there since then but my D said it was empty.

Some places “look empty” because they have the process down and are moving people through very efficiently. Everyone in my family noticed this especially at their second shots. No lines, no waiting for your turn. Just check in, get shot, wait, and leave. Very efficient!


Some vaccine sites apparently have crowded indoor waiting areas where anyone who has asymptomatic contagious COVID-19 can easily spread it to others. That is not the vaccine’s fault, but it could mean that some vaccine sites are risky.


Received my first moderna shot today. Feeling well so far. Vaccine site (former K-mart store) was very well run…check in, assigned a seat in a huge room, vaccine giver was mobile and came to me and then sat in my seat for 15 minutes, Checked out and given appointment for my second dose.


At the CVS H and I have gone to they allow us to spend the 15 minutes in our car in the parking lot since someone is with us there. I really appreciate that.

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Delta Museum Atlanta. Stayed in car for the entire process.


Both H and I got our first Pfizer shots last week. Tomorrow our state opens for 16+, and I was able to get an appointment for my 16 yr old this coming Monday. It takes a lot of time to find availability! For this appointment I have to drive 45 minutes to get to the site. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to find a 2nd dose for her closer to home (but have the 2nd dose scheduled at the site 45 minutes away since the website made me schedule both appointments at the same time).


@ucbalumnus do you have one speck of proof that anyone is getting covid while waiting for a covid shot? If so, please do share this.

Please don’t highjack this thread about who is getting covid shots with anecdotal stories that have no proof.

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Our D got her second Pfizer on Monday at a grocery store pharmacy. Her only only complain was that the pharmacist was not very good at giving injections - slow and tentative was her description.

My kids got unclaimed doses at the end of the day at a local CVS. They told them they should wait 15 minutes after the shot but they had no where for them to wait but the aisles of the drugstore.

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Yup, that’s one of the issues of cramped crowded drugstores, when you want folks to stick around but have no where for them to wait. I guess wait in your car in parking lot?

the CVS where I got mine had put a couple of chairs in front of the pharmacy counter for your 15 minute waiting period - not ideal (you are basically in the aisles) but at least you could sit down.


Texas 17 y/o D got Pfizer today at CVS!