So....who has had a covid vaccine?

We told them at Walgreens we would wait in the car.


@ucbalumnus has not been the only poster who has mused that someone got the coronavirus while waiting in line for a vaccine.

I think that itā€™s a bit unfair to call out one poster when there have been others.


My post was not meant only for one poster. I hit the wrong reply button.

Hmmm, I guess I was confused. Since you replied to his post and tagged him

Sooooo relieved! My second 20 year old daughter just received Dose 2 yesterday at the Syracuse, NY facility (fairgrounds), my husband received Dose 1 about 10 days ago and my 18 year old son received Dose 1 today at CVS here in Illinois. My immediate family (4 kids, myself and husband), brothers and their families and my parents all managed not to get Covid and Iā€™m so thankful for that and when the kids can all get together finally! We have only now just started seeing my parents but not the kids who havenā€™t been vaccinated yet. What a crappy year this has been but thankful we have not gotten Covid and hoping we can focus on other things as my mom has stage 4 cancer and we have not been able to see her much at all.

Hope everyone is able to get the vaccine very soon if they have not yet!


DH got his second shot this morning. So far all he has is a very achy arm, but he says it aches all the way down to his fingers. I think he will take Tylenol before bedtime. And he isnā€™t working tomorrow.


Iā€™m thinking everyone needs a laugh. I got my monthly insurance statement today. My first covid shot was listed. It had two line itemsā€¦the injection which had NO chargeā€¦and ready? Anesthesia. Anesthesia? I can guarantee they gave me NO anesthesia. Bill was $16 and change and insurance didnā€™t cover a penny, but my obligation was $0.



My mom, H and I all got our covid shots out of Network and were warned we would be billed and could pay and send Bill to our insurer to get a reimbursement check. So far, no bills for our Jan and Feb shots snd a friend whose friend is doing billing at this medical center says we shouldnā€™t receive any bill since fed govt is reimbursing all costs everywhere.

One of the pharmacies here is offering a numbing gel but it surely youā€™d know if that was the case.

deleted, wrong thread!

No numbing gel!

Did receive a medicare notice that Walgreens got ~$17.50 for shot administration. They billed ~$35.00. Does not appear that it went to our secondary insurance BC/BS at all.

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My nephew, who lives in Bogota, flew home to where the rest of the family lives and received his first vaccine yesterday. His BILā€™s family has a farm in a rural area, and seems he was able to be vaccinated there. I have no idea if he is staying until he received the second in 3 weeks; I just saw his post on IG!

I know he will visit my mother while home; I just hope they will still take precautions even though mom is fully vaccinated.


H, D2 and I just received our first Pfizer vaccines this morning at a drive through mass vaccination site. It was so efficient and we didnā€™t have to leave our car for the vaccine or while waiting the 15 minutes after.
We will be 2 weeks post 2nd vaccine May 7th and will celebrate Motherā€™s Day at my parents house this year since all adults will be fully vaccinated then!


I made the appointments at CVS for 80ā€™s-something FIL and his SO (not computer savvy), but I was in a rush to not lose the appt time slot so clicked ā€˜no insuranceā€™* so I could get to the next page. Even though they both have accounts at CVS and obtain prescriptions from CVS (Medicare Part D), they never received any notice of billing.

*Insurance is not required for a vaccine.


I got vaccinated at a FEMA run mass vacc site in my state. They never asked for any insurance info. I think I read somewhere that private facilities like pharmacies canā€™t charge for the vaccine but are allowed to bill insurance for administering the shot. My daughter had her first dose exactly four weeks ago at Walgreens (had her second dose this morning!) but so far we havenā€™t seen anything from our insurance that shows any billing from Walgreens.

I had my first vaccine on December 23rd as I work in a medical office. The health department office only asked for paperwork, yes paper, paperwork, to be completed prior to arrival; it had to be scanned and emailed to them. No ID, work verification or insurance information provided. We just walk into the waiting room, no check in until someone called our name. The vaccine card was hand written with the vaccine information. We were told we would get a call or email to schedule the second. I believe this location had only given the vaccine for a couple of days, and only for the health care workers that contacted them directly.

When I went for my second vaccine 4 weeks later, a National Guard checked for your name on the list. You then went to the first window, where ID and insurance card were requested and scanned, and you gave them your vaccine card. After your vaccine, you received your card back, with a preprinted label attached with the vaccine date and lot number. A waiting room was set up for the 15 minute wait, where a couple of people were at a table scheduling the second vaccine for those that needed one.

I saw on my 2021 insurance EOB that they did indeed file for the administration. They also submitted a claim for my first vaccine; unfortunately for them, I didnā€™t have the same insurance in 2020 so that claim was denied!

When I made the appointment for my D I didnā€™t have her insurance info so checked no insurance. I did the same for my H since I didnā€™t have his info or card. I had done my registration first so for my H I knew they wanted picture of the front and back of the card which I didnā€™t have.

Iā€™m pretty sure the Colorado governor signed an order that no charge could be made. I think the state is using covid funds to set up the clinics. Even though I signed in through my MyChart account and they know my insurance, there was no charge and they said we did not need our insurance cards at the clinic, only an ID to match appointment and name.

Grad school D in CT has her first shot scheduled next week. Grateful.