So....who has had a covid vaccine?

S19 just got his first Pfizer shot in Ohio on Weds. He said he was really tired for a day, but he’s a college student so I didn’t think much of it. Then today he called to say he was going into quarantine for 2 weeks. One of his friends tested positive. Sigh. Now their entire group of friends is on lock down. No one is experiencing any symptoms and no one else has tested positive, so they’re hoping it was a false positive.

DH & I get our first shot today here in NC. We’d been using the Walgreens app for a few days w/o any luck, so we tried the UNC myChart app. SO much easier!! First try we found shots available about an hour and a half away for the next day. DH looked again an hour later and there were available appts here in Chapel Hill at one of the UNC clinics. DH has some chronic issues that made him eligible a few weeks ago, I just couldn’t get him to really sit down w/ the apps and search out appts. Then I became eligible this week due to a few years of social smoking in my past. Having both of us eligible was I guess the push he needed to really give the apps a try.
Hoping it’s just as easy getting the actual shots today, but I’ve heard very good things so far. Just happy to be getting the shots at all, TBH!!


Maybe that’s for the alcohol wife they use on your arm prior to the injection :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


S19 with chronic illness, H and I are road tripping 3 hours to a rural area we are familiar with (and may relocate to someday) to get the J+J-worth the travel to us for the one and done. Unfortunately D21 will not turn 18 until next week so could not get vaccinated with us.:slightly_frowning_face: I spent a lot of time the last few days on the internet not having much luck and then was able to snag these appointments at Walgreens that weren’t going fast late yesterday afternoon. I am excited and hope they don’t switch which vaccine they offer since we are traveling so far and when signing up it clearly said for J+J. Now I can focus my energies on getting D21 a vaccine . There were a lot of great tips on our state’s vaccine finders website. I am hopeful that more and more slots open up as people get vaccinated and more supply becomes available but happy to get this taken care of later this afternoon. H has a golf outing in exactly 2 weeks when he will be fully vaccinated.:sunglasses:


Is your D21 going with you? I really can’t imagine that turning 18 a week later would make much of a difference. I wonder if you took her with you and explained you drove three hours to get there, if they would have an extra dose and just give it to her. You could even ask to put her in wait list and stay until the end of the day to see if they have an extra dose. My husband got his first dose on Tuesday at Walgreens. All they had left were evening appointments so he took the next to last appointment. I was going to go with him in case they had leftovers. But then that morning I was able to schedule myself somewhere else the next day so I didn’t go with him. They ended up having two extra doses. The last appointment never showed up. They had called someone from their wait list for an earlier dose and he arrived while my husband was there.

You never know, but it doesn’t hurt to try. It seems that many places just want to get shots in arms and aren’t going to make a big deal out of it.

Editing my post, b/c I realize the pharmacy would be held liable if something were to happen, even tho the time frame for eligibility is basically insignificant in this particular case. So probably not realistic possibility.

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No, they will not break protocol and give the vaccine outside of parameters. This is not an approved vaccine, it is an Emergency Use Authorization, and very strict guidelines and documentation are required.
Outside of clinical trials, only Pfizer will vaccinate 16 and 17 year olds.

Just seems a little crazy that one week is going to make a difference but I understand what you are saying. And yes, I guess they would be liable if they made an exception.

I want to hear more about alcohol wives…


While not intentional, an 8 year old was vaccinated in Dallas last week. Not saying @1Lotus should do the same, just sharing an article. Either this 8 year old was rather large, or the person doing the injection was not paying attention.

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We are well into our trip without D21. Maybe I should have asked the pharmacy but I thought rules are rules with the age 18. I will try to remember to ask when we get our vaccines if they would have given it to her. However, we may not have been able to make an appointment based on her birthdate.

No point in asking since there isn’t anything you can do now anyway. But I’ve noticed where we live, just in the last couple of days there are more and more places locally opening up with appointments so hopefully you can find something for her soon, either Pfizer or in a week one of the other two.

Locally not too many pharmacies had doses/appointments, and Rite Aid did not seem to even been administering them here. Then today a flood of appointments opened and most are at Rite Aid. Hopefully that is a sign that supply has really increased and it will be easier to find appointments.

My 18 y/o is the only one in our family of six who is not currently eligible and won’t be until April 27. I’m hoping by then J&J will be easy to find so he can be one and done and be “safe” by mid-May.

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2nd dose of Pfizer is complete as of a few hours ago and right now I feel great. Even my arm isn’t sore this time around - it was slightly sore for a day or so after the first one.

In a way, I wish there were “something” just to know it was working, but maybe it just means the “chip” is working well? :sunglasses: Med school lad told me he had no reaction he could tell from his second Pfizer, so maybe it’s something in the genetic line to be ok with it.

For most vaccines I have no reaction at all. Shingrix was an exception - I was out for a couple of days with both of those.

No regrets and looking forward to the new normal (return to normal?) once the rest of my family is able to get both of theirs. FIL gets his second Moderna on Monday. H gets his second Pfizer Wednesday. The two (college grad) “kids” start their Pfizers on Monday.


I was fine the night I had my second vaccine. I slept fine and was good the next morning. Went for my daily walk around 10 and felt it felt hard! Started running a low grade temperature and was achy and had chills. Went to bed early the second night and felt great the next day. So any reaction might take awhile.

I’m a glutton for punishment apparently as I’m scheduled to get the shingles vaccine at the end of April. Not looking forward to that! Again don’t want shingles though


My DH is getting his second Shingrix shot at the end of April. He can’t wait😉


I just want to put this out here. My 76 yo mom received her second Moderna vaccine in the morning of March 30 and had the Tdap shot in the afternoon of the same day after an accident the night before where she dropped a knife on her big toe. She had her tendon stitched and the wound had 9 stitches. I am lucky to be able to reach out to two of our physician friends who was able to share the information about the risk of not getting the tetanus because of the timing of the second Moderna shot. It was from the CDC so that was an easy decision for us to make. The podiatrist was nervous about the two vaccine shots so he asked me to checked my mom for the next few days. Other than the sore arms, she was fine. NY state will start giving vaccines to 16yo+ starting April 6. I will definitely bring my boys next month to get the vaccine. 19 yo daughter had her first shot of Moderna vaccine 2 Fridays ago. She’s a student - employee.


We received our J+J vaccines at the same time and able to wait the 15 minutes at the same time and shopped for candy. I asked the pharmacist about whether D who turns 18 in a few days could have gotten vaccine and it was a no. It was a nice experience, not crowded.


I just went with my daughter to CVS for her first shot. The woman checking her in said that there had been a significant number of appointment no-shows today. Maybe because of the nice weather? Who would skip a vaccine appointment?


Two sons and I got the J+J shot this afternoon. So far, only a little sore arm during the 15 minute waiting period. It feels ok now, but it’s only been 3 hours. So glad we are all done! H was vaccinated last month.


I just walked home from the subway after dinner in Chinatown and the Walgreen’s on my way home (Bay Ridge residents: the one with a parking lot at 95 St.) had a sign in the door that said Vaccines–No Appointment Necessary. It was almost 9 and I imagine the pharmacy was closed and I didn’t bother to check it out, but it would appear that it’s a lot easier to get vaccinated in NYC than it used to be.


I just woke up from a 3 hour nap. That second Moderna vaccine knocked me out.