So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Got my second (Moderna) shot on Saturday afternoon (through CVS - 100% would recommend, and I never have anything nice to say about CVS!). Low-grade temp (100.5) by noon on Sunday. Couldn’t get warm, but definitely wasn’t having teeth-chattering chills like my sister-in-law did after her J&J vaccine. Feeling 100% today.

My sister had her second shot yesterday afternoon (also Moderna, also at CVS, also would highly recommend). By 2:00 today she had a temperature of 100.5.

My husband had his second (see above) this afternoon. He has already started taking his temperature…

Our 27-year old son has an appointment for this Friday (at 11:30 P.M.!) for his first Pfizer. Thank you to Governor Lamont (CT) for getting the vaccine out to everyone so quickly!


I am sitting in the waiting area for my 15 minutes right now … just got Pfizer shot #2! H got his second dose last Friday, S is fully vaccinated, and D scored appointments for herself & SIL for their first this Friday. Looking forward to getting together at our cottage this summer!!


Already done a few weeks ago with Pfizer #2 at Walgreens that was 4 wks apart by their choice. I see that they are now changing their policy to CDC rec 3 wks. I would have had to wait a month (rural) if I did not go there. Apparently up to 6 wks is OK.


25 year old DS in NYC has his appointment for tomorrow. Woot!

DD goes to university in Canada. The vaccine roll out there is much slower. Not all health care workers who want the vaccine have been able to get it, so it will be quite a while before she gets hers. Her province is aiming to get 75% of the population vaccinated by the end of June.


When MD announced yesterday they were moving to Phase 3(everyone 16+) starting Monday, a little more than two weeks earlier than planned, I quickly got my 18 y/o a J&J appointment.

Outside of my 21 y/o who goes to college in San Diego and is fully vaccinated already, the other five in my family of six were in different phases of eligibility. My husband qualified next and got Moderna and has to wait four weeks for his second dose. In the meantime, my 16 y/o and I got Pfizer, and my two sons (the 18 y/o and my 20 y/o) are both getting J&J in the next week.

Dh was lamenting that out of the five of us here in MD, he was the first one eligible and the first to get his vaccine, but will be the last of us to be fully vaccinated. :grimacing: It’s all good b/c we are so happy we all managed to get appointments quickly. We are just excited that we will be fully vaccinated, incl the two weeks after, in time to get on a plane to get to our daughter’s college graduation at the end of May!


My 92 year old FIL had his second dose of Moderna yesterday. He says he feels fine and his arm isn’t even as sore as it was after his first dose. In fact, he was out cutting his grass today…

The dude certainly has good longevity genes!


Got my second Moderna today. I immediately felt a warm flash suffuse my body; then felt like I could melt off the chair and into the floor, a total lassitude/torpor, with a Dali effect. I wouldn’t say I was dizzy, just fuzzy, like, totally mellow, man.
I waited the 15 and another 15 in my car and have felt less than motivated to move much since. My vaccine arm feels a bit like it was about to go to sleep, not pins & needles, but I do keep flexing my hand. Sounds like I should be prepared for a fever in the morning.


My sister and many people I know have had similar side effects from Moderna. We really expected FIL to have them too - as in - H took off time to be with him for his first and BIL took off time to be with him now.

I don’t know what it is about FIL’s genetics, but they certainly are a type to be admired when it comes to longevity and hardiness IMO.

I think that the older you are, the less side effects that you might feel. Means the immune system isn’t what it used to be.

The older group in the family has had less robust side effects than the younger ones. The same was true with the shingles vaccine. My mil wasn’t bothered at all, my sil was down for the weekend after hers.


got my second today. bracing for feeling ill tomorrow; no worries.

But my first was sort of scary; i could feel it in my neck. i had swelling there; pressure like a headache in my neck. I had to stay to be evaluated for an hour, no affects on my breathing so that’s what they were looking for. This time around it didnt react like that.


This would be strange from those I’ve had experience with. The younger folks haven’t had much of a reaction, if any, at all. These have mostly been medical care workers since not many other youngsters have qualified as of yet, but include all of those in med school where my guy is.

Among those older than myself, most with Moderna have. Those with Pfizer have fared much better (easier?). This includes friends and those at the hospital/med school.

The Moderna vaccine has about three times as much mRNA as the Pfizer vaccine (100μg versus 30μg per dose).

That could be related to a higher level side-effects. It could also give the Moderna vaccine a greater margin of safety against mRNA degradation due to mishandling after being removed from the freezer.


I know folks who have had either of the mRNA vaccines. None have spoken of much reaction H seems to have had his typical of malaise in hours 8-48 but that was what he experiences with other vaccines as well. He had Pfizer.

The 16+ opened here yesterday and S22 was off school today, so we found a walk-in and headed down. The line was enormous! So we found another about 15 min away and no line at all. In 25 min. we were back in the car heading home. He’s excited to have 1 and so am I. We have 2 younger kids and are hoping to see them qualified later this year.


I had my first Moderna shot today - no side effects. I kept my appointment in OH, even though PA recently went from being 1A only for four month to blowing through 1B, 1C, and opening to everyone in two weeks. And our local hospital has plenty of slots open on the 19th, the first open day.

I did make an appointment for my youngest on the 20th, I get #2 May 4, my oldest got hers Friday, with the 2nd on the 24th, and my wife is already done. So we should all be done by May 15. Which is good because my wife and oldest are taking the first vacation any of us has had in two years on the 18th and the oldest moves out/starts her first job June 7.

My oldest got hers externally, before Purdue announced the start of their on-campus program. It started this Monday and I hear they’re delivering 3,000+ doses a day. They appear to be well on the way to their goal of fully vaccinating most, if not all, of the 40,000+ person campus before the end of the semester.


I’m not super invested in this but I found this article


Interesting, but the stats aren’t terribly different IMO (different, but not anywhere close to all/none of various ages).

Now I’m quite curious to know if those who are unfortunate enough to be in the small breakthrough percentage had side effects though…

I doubt that data is out yet, but it’d be a question worth asking.

Also, since it’s the body’s immune reaction that kills most, not Covid itself except to be the trigger, would those with the most side effects have been the most likely to have had it worse had they caught Covid? If the body’s immune system reacts with side effects to just the protein, what would it have done with the protein and Covid?

So many questions, so few answers (yet). That last one I’m not sure we’ll ever know beyond theory. The first one should have answers eventually if they ask the question.

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S2 received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine this morning and now all my 30-something kids have had dose #1. Very relieved mom here. Five weeks until all are fully vaccinated! DsIL are both already vexed.


My husband and I received our second this morning. My daughter had her second over 2 weeks ago. My parents are getting their second this Friday and my mother-in-law is getting her second soon too. So excited to actually be able to spend time with my parents again!


My friend had minimal, if any, side effects from the vaccine.