So....who has had a covid vaccine?

S2 (an expat in Eastern Europe) plans on flying back in July to get a vac. Hoping we can get him J&J so he’s not stuck here for a month and losing income. His country is in shutdown again, including public transit. US State Dept has said they will not be vaccinating US citizens overseas and that they need to find vaccine locally.

H and I make another trip for Moderna #2 on 4/19. Will be heading home immediately after, as it’s a three hour drive each way and we’d like to get home before any reaction kicks in.


Just got my second this afternoon–I’m the last of the family pod (that we see often) so very happy. Friend pod is about done too. Most have at least one shot. Happy dance!


My daughter got her first shot (Moderna) this afternoon in MA and her fiance is getting his first shot on Tuesday. They’re getting married on May 1 so at least they will be partially vaccinated. Everyone else present (very small, 14 people) will be fully vaccinated. I think I will enjoy the wedding a bit more as a result.


Congrats @NJSue ! Hope the wedding goes as planned, and everyone has a great time. :slight_smile:


DIL#2 got her first shot this afternoon. So all my kids and spouses have had at least their first shot. I’m starting to breath easier.


We are all fully vaccinated. I had my second about two weeks ago. I had chills and headache after the second moderne. It wasn’t intolerable but it was no fun.


My daughter was impatient to get her vaccine as she is attending a wedding of 2 medical professionals and wanted to be at least on her way to being vaccinated. She didn’t want to be the only one not vaccinated. She got her 1st dose a week ago.

Congrats to the happy couple!


I finally became eligible earlier this week. I got up before 6am the very next day, trying to grab a spot at CVS (as suggested by someone upthread). It didn’t work as too many people were apparently doing the same thing. I then tried the Rite Aid website. After refreshing a few times, I managed to get an appointment at a Rite Aid less than 30 mins away. It didn’t take much effort and I was relieved.

I got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday and there wasn’t much reaction (other than a slightly sore upper arm a few hours after injection).


I had my second Pfizer shot Tuesday, with minimal issues. I know that I had a good immune response, because I often get a rash around my armpits & breasts, as well as groin area & behind my knees, when I have a virus. I got a rash on Thursday. I had a kidney stone removed Friday, and I wasn’t sure if they would do the procedure since I still had the rash … but they did. My vaccine reaction was better than the uncomfortable stent I will have for the next few days!


Have my appt for first vaccine (Moderna) tomorrow late afternoon. I’ve been delaying because I wanted others to “go first” so I could see if there were any recalls or major issues. There don’t seem to be, so I’m ready. My adult D will join me, and see if she might be able to be vaccinated as well. I’ve heard that some sites are willing to do that at end of day -


Took S19 for his first and only dose of J&J this morning at Rite Aid. Fortunately when I scheduled, it was the first appointment of the day at 10am. We got there 20 mins early and they were already prepared and ready to with his shot. It was a breeze and the complete opposite experience my S21 earlier this week.

S21’s appointment was at a different Rite Aid. His appt was at 10:27. We got there at 10:10. It took two hours - standing in the pharmacy area the entire time. The Rite Aids here just started administering the vaccine this week, so I did not fault the staff but it was a mess. The way Rite Aid booked the appointments, there was a 30 minute window and all 10 appointments are 3 mins apart. Well, it took them 10-15 minutes in between each person, and my son was last. I’m not sure what the delay was - seemed to be they had to enter all kinds of info for each person, and that slowed everything down. When I went with my son this morning, they already had all the paperwork printed out and ready to go.

So as of today, all six of us have at least had our first dose. D17 is fully vaccinated. She is in college but was eligible early due to her job in San Diego. The rest of us were vaccinated here in MD. Dh had first dose of Moderna, D23 (she recently turned 16) and I had our first dose of Pfizer almost two weeks ago and my two sons both now have had J&J.

When I heard that J&J distribution will be way way down next week, I was so thankful I was able to get my sons’ appointments scheduled this week as soon as I learned on Monday that they were eligible.


My son in Denver was supposed to get J & J on Monday but they just changed it to Pfizer because of the concerns about J & J. He has to go to Colorado Springs, but that’s okay. I’m just thankful Colorado has opened up to everyone because he has no underlying conditions so I was worried for a while that if might be months before he could get vaccinated.


Both my 20-something kids got J&J this week; spouse and I are fully vaccinated with 2 shot vaccines. One J&J kid was hit hard with side effects, 2 days of fever, aches, fatigue, but he is still thrilled to be “one and done.” Waiting to see what other J&J kid experiences.


My D21 received the J+J today at a very well-run clinic with lots of volunteers. It ran smoothly. They seemed to book appropriately to accommodate, but not overwhelm the number of vaccine stations. All calm, with just enough busy and no waiting except at the end for 15 minutes. D just turned 18 this past week and they let me stay with her so I did. No side effects so far.


My 23-year-old got her first Moderna shot today. :slight_smile:


I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine today. No side effects so far. I seem to remember a comment earlier in this thread about lifting your arm to minimize soreness at the injection site (lift your arm as if you were going to smell your arm pit). I think that technique works!


Had J&J vaccine several days ago.

  • Initially found only vaccine appointments a month out or 2+ hour drive each way a week out. Then got lucky when going back to one of the previously checked sites to find an open time slot the next day less than an hour drive away.
  • Location was a mass vaccination site with drive-through option. Basically, drive to a place under a huge tent (several lanes of cars with many cars in each lane). After matching people with the list and counting people to be vaccinated in each car, someone brings filled needles to the people standing next to each car to inject into the people waiting for vaccine (the people doing the injecting appeared to be all health care workers and EMTs who had already gotten their vaccines, so there was no situation of being too close to any unvaccinated people unless you were carpooling). Then drive out to a waiting area to wait for 15 minutes. Then leave.
  • Had some arm and shoulder soreness afterward, but nothing that limited any activity.

I wish my kids would get the vaccine. One had covid and thinks he is still immune. One married a woman who doesn’t believe in ANY vaccines. One tells me she wants to wait for a while, but I know she hates vaccines, so it may be an excuse. :anguished:


That is tough. I am very happy both my sons 'wanted a vaccine as soon as they were eligible when things have opened up. . I did not have to convince them. And older son’s wife is in health care so she was vaccinated a while ago. Very relieved and grateful. Unfortunately some just still seem very reluctant and tough to convince. Good luck!


Similar here. I’m especially happy that my “Super Green, Nature Loving, Lives Off the Land, and generally eschews Modern Medicine plus dislikes needles” boy volunteered to get vaxed AND posted about it positively on his FB page.

I was seriously worried that he wouldn’t, because, well, 'tis the stereotype for those who are as strong about his beliefs as he is. He had to defend himself online too.