So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Hopefully those on the fence about the vaccine will decide it is the right thing to do, sooner rather than later. My coworker, and we work in the medical field, said she would not get one. One of our docs tried to educate her on the benefits, but she still was not interested. A couple of weeks ago, she announced she was registered for the Pfizer through our hospital. I said I would believe it when I saw it; well, she got her 1st this week, and has her second scheduled!! :smiley:


Me thinks Mr. and I will be the last CCers to get their shots. And it is not because we are against vaccinations
 I would get one right now if it was easily available to us. But
 nope. We will travel 2 hours to get our shots. Fingers crossed our vaccine tourism goes without a glitch.


My daughter’s was talking with a friend today and he got an alert that a vaccine was available. Unfortunately, it was at a place 45 minutes away and the appointment was in 7 minutes. Guess that alert software needs tweaking!

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Where do you live? There’s a sudden ( and I mean sudden) opening up of availability here in the Chicago area in the last 72 hours. I wonder if that will happen other places.


So as mentioned I got second Moderna shot a few days ago. Easy peasy. And then 18 hours later while I was happily at my computer the MAC truck hit me. Went from feeling fine except slightly sore arm to fever, chills, nausea, bad headache within 15 minutes. Awful. Hurt all over.
So spent all day in bed. And then about 14 hours later it started disappearing just as fast as it had come. My arm however is still swollen and red. Ugh.


@gouf78 You had it worse than I did. In my case, it was about 12 hours after the second moderne. The arm wasn’t sore or swellen. I was wondering the young health care worker really gave me a shot until cills, fever and headache started.

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DH got his second shot (Pfizer) this morning. Same site, but walk-in versus drive-thru (he said it was by chance which way you were directed). He said it was very fast. He forgot his card from last time so they gave him a new one. No side effects yet. Last time he had a sore arm and maybe felt a little off the next day.
So now 4/5 of our immediate family are vaccinated (plus DIL). DS has his first appointment (Pfizer)next Saturday. My SIL will try when he and DD get back from Spring Break in Hawaii. The light at the end of the tunnel is starting to get brighter!


In the last two days I’ve talked with three different people who have happily gotten vaccinated and hope there is light at the end of the tunnel as more do the same. The interesting thing, is stereotypically from what we hear on the news, etc, none of the three “should” have been interested, much less trying hard to get in line as quickly as possible.

This gives me hope that the vaccination rate in the end will actually be higher than expected. Some voices we hear are loud, no doubt there, but they just might not speak for the majority among their group.


KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor Dashboard | KFF indicates that even the group least likely to want COVID-19 vaccine (Republicans) still has 46% either having already gotten the vaccine or wanting to get it as soon as possible (against 35% refusing or will get it only if required).

Overall, about 32% have gotten at least one dose of vaccine, while another 30% want to get it as soon as possible – i.e. about half of people who want vaccine as soon as possible have gotten it. That also suggests that we will get to 62% as quickly as supply logistics allow. Another 17% say that they will wait and see, so it may be slower to increase the vaccinated population beyond 62%. That leaves 20% who will not get vaccinated, or will do so only if required.


Yep, that was my physician daughter who told me that. I get my 2nd dose tomorrow morning, yay! Especially glad since I got a cancer diagnosis last week (stage 1) so I don’t need covid on top of that.


The last of our household got 2nd Pfizer yesterday. Was fine last night but this morning, about 12 hrs later, got the truck hitting him and just stayed in bed. He is getting immunotherapy and they said that could amplify side effects. He had the worst reaction than any of us. DD had a bit of fever and night sweats, headache. DH and I very little. But that is in line with what they are finding- younger are having more reaction most likely due to stronger immune systems.


My 24 year old son will be getting his first Moderna (or Pfizer, depending on the shipment) on Wednesday. My husband and I got ours last week and were automatically scheduled for the second shot. Our daughter is pregnant and waited until the end of her first trimester to get her first Pfizer shot.


Husband and I are both done.


@maya54 - thanks, we are in the good old WA! We finally scored appointments at a site 2 hours away (by car). :crossed_fingers:It looks like our state encourages vaccine caravans.


Update on my second J&J kid – nothing like the older kid’s experience who was out for 2 days with 100+ fever, aches, exhaustion. We expected even worse for this kid because he had mild covid in the fall and we’d heard people who’ve had covid have even stronger reactions to the vaccine. However, this kid had some fatigue, kind of run down, but no fever, no aches.


@Midwestmomofboys I could have typed your post word for word except the last paragraph. My younger son, who never had Covid, had J&J on Wednesday and had same symptoms as your son.

My older son, who had asymptomatic Covid last summer, had his J&J shot on Saturday. After seeing younger son’s reaction, I warned my older son to expect the worst since he had Covid and like you, I heard those who’ve had it often have stronger reactions to the vaccine. Fortunately, he was completely fine except for a minor headache that set in about 18 hours later. Mild enough he wouldn’t have given it any notice if not for just having the vaccine.


Yay, in the 15 minute waiting room after my 2nd!


BB, are your appointments after Saturday? That’s when I have my first shot scheduled, and I lucked out getting that one.

One more week and I will be 2 weeks post second shot (Pfizer). Only side effect was post second shot I had some jet lag like fatigue. Other than that, no issues.

I travel for work and visit hospitals as part of my job. Glad to have the vaccine on board now. I will no longer need to get a COVID test 3-5 days post travel.


Son2 lost his vax slot when J and J got pulled yesterday. He did sign up for another spot and another vax but now has to wait a week.