So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Got mine last week–1st dose of Pfizer at CVS. It was hard to find an appointment, and I had to drive about 20 miles to the location. Felt nothing–no soreness at all. (Thanks to the lady giving the shot who reminded me to relax my arm!)
2nd dose coming up in a couple weeks. Found a closer appointment for that one. I have to travel the day after so I hope I don’t have a bad reaction. H got his months ago as he works in healthcare. 2 of our adult kids already had their vaccines. One kid had Covid at her college. 2 more adult sons and teen D waiting to find appointments, but don’t want to push ahead of older folks…


Little kid will be driving a vaccine caravan (her quarantine pod) across the mountains to a mass vaxx site. She had her first dose and is going for her second, and the others are/ or will became eligible tomorrow. I swear those sites were sponsored by our wine industry… ‘cause I hear a lot of reports about wine tastings happening there - possibly to soothe the injured muscle after the needle stick. :wink:


I had a pretty strong reaction to the Shingrix vaccine, so was expecting something similar with the Pfizer. First shot left me with a sore arm, although it became hard to differentiate from my rotator cuff pain. Second shot did the same. I feel tired, but no more so than before. It’s been a pleasant surprise.

H’s arm was only a little sore after the first. After the second he’s had a fever, bizarre dreams, all over muscle aches, fatigue, etc. He’s taken two naps yesterday and two today, so far. Will nap before supper then go to bed early. Today the chills started, so he napped under two blankets. Hope tomorrow is better for all.

Immunocompromised kid and spouse report the same reactions as H’s. None of us will breathe a word about the reactions other than among ourselves due to strong anti-vax sentiment from relatives. No need to give them more ammo.


H had #2 yesterday and has a sore arm and had a headache overnight.

S is able to stay ‘quarantined’ and is waiting for his elders to be vaccinated before he signs up. He is shooting for mid-May, as he is in a wedding (outdoors) in early July.

Everyone in our family over 55 is now vaccinated. I can’t wait to hug my siblings!


My 2 30-something kids got their first vaccines today. Moderna for the west coast kid, Pfizer for the east coaster. So now everyone in the family is vaccinated (or on their way) except for soon-to-be age 11 grandson.


@hrh19 If your son is in a state that has opened to all, I would encourage him to not wait. The sooner the better with getting people vaccinated. My sons have both had their first shots now and I am relieved. They have no health issues so waited until it was open to all where they were. I would never have wanted them to try to jump ahead of elders, first responders, teachers, etc. before things opened up but once they were eligible, I was glad they did not hesitate to look for appointments.


You’ll have to let us know if their chips can communicate with each other having had the different versions. Since we all have had Pfizer, we’re not sure if the two work together or not. :grinning:


I had my first Pfizer yesterday. No reaction to the shot on site, which had been a concern. I started feeling sick last night and have a horrible head ache, muscle aches, flushes and fever today. Most of the people I know did not have side effects with the first shot. Except for sore am. My arm was sore last night but is fine today. Interesting how different we all are. I am trying to see my side effects as proof it is working at any rate, staying in bed.


I hope you feel better soon.

FWIW, med school lad tells me it’s common among doctors where he is to think the more side effects one has, the worse they may have had Covid, so you might really be protecting yourself. I have no idea if that’s grounded in anything or not, but it’s what he tells us many think where he is.

ETA: He said their thoughts are based upon how the immune system reacts and it’s the immune system overreacting that tends to make things bad for many younger people (vs those on death’s edge where Covid itself can kill them).


Yes I have been told I have an overreactive immune system and also have lupus. So glad to get a shot finally. How is your other son doing?

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48 hours following Pfizer #2 and no effects at all, much to my surprise. I’d been bracing for the worst. Now to figure out how to arrange travel to see far flung kiddos!


So glad to hear you got in! The symptoms you are describing are how the second Pfizer was for me. (The first was just a very sore arm.) I hope you feel better soon!


I haven’t talked with my long hauler in a couple of weeks. Last I knew he had signed up to get J&J, but I’m pretty sure his appt time was after the pause. I don’t know if he’s going for one of the others or not. NC fairly recently opened up to all and it took a bit for him to find the slot he did. I’m really hopeful he’ll be one of the fortunate ones to see his symptoms go away post vax.

Just had my second dose of Moderna yesterday morning. Feeling victorious! Few symptoms yesterday but woke feeling sore, a little weird/dizzy and headachy last night but got back to sleep. Was actually relieved to be “getting on with it” rather than waiting for symptoms to drop like a bomb later (assuming it doesn’t get suddenly worse). After two aspirin and coffee today now just a little tired and sore. I got a lot done earlier in the week so that I could take it easy today (and I am :slight_smile: ).

My D gets her second dose of Pfizer next week and we will all be done! She has a few friends in the process of being vaccinated so soon her year of social isolation will ease.


@compmom in my very unexpert opinion, I think you having some symptoms with the vaccine is a very good sign!

Means your immune system is working. I think that for people who are immunocompromised, the problem is that your body isn’t making antibodies. Not making them, and having too few antibodies.

So to have a reaction, I think is good.

And I think you tested negative when your mom had Covid earlier. I get people mixed up, so I might be wrong. But tests are sometimes wrong. So it’s hard to say.

Hope you feel better soon.

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I had only a very slightly sore arm with my first Moderna shot. My second one I could not sleep and felt all achy and feverish. At 2:30 am I finally gave in and took a couple of ibuprofin. Got some sleep. Still felt off the next day, a achy, a woozy, fever, headache. I took another ibuprofin at noon and have felt fine ever since.


I got my second shot this morning. Everyone was getting their second shots, so it was a very quick process.

As I walked back to my car, it was 37 and the wind was blowing sheets of half-frozen precipitation in my face and I got drenched. I’ve never been happier to feel so miserable!


H and I have now had both shots of Moderna. He had chills after first dose, not as bad after 2nd. I felt fine (other than sore arm) after first, was achy during the night after second and had a very low grade fever and mild headache the day after - but no chills or anything that kept me down and out. All in all not bad! Shingrix was actually a little worse for me. 23 yo D has had first shot of Moderna - she did not sleep well and woke up with 100.4 fever. Took some Tylenol which helped. Will be interesting to see how she makes out with 2nd shot! My S and DIL are emergency responders and have been vaxxed since January. They live 8 hours away and are coming to visit us May 1 - can’t wait!!!


My H felt junk after both 1st and 2nd Pfizer dose, hours 12-48 were mostly in bed (•like when he had Shingrex shots). He had low grade fever and just felt peaked.

Mom and I were fine with Shingrex and our Pfizer doses, just mildly sore arm at injection site. We are all different. We were all very glad to have injection.

My lung doc said not to worry that I didn’t have bigger reaction to shots. It’s all fine—we all react how our body reacts.


My friend is an RN. Both of us were happy to get our shots and glad our loved ones are vaccinated or soon will be. Both of us are puzzled and concerned she knows many nurses who are refusing to get covid shot. :rage::weary: