So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Seems that COVID-19 vaccine refusal among health care workers may be related to trust issues between the workers and their employers, particularly in nursing homes. Nurses in general may also have trust issues with their employers, as evidenced by the common existence of nurse unions and strikes or threatened strikes.

A survey on health care workers and COVID-19 vaccines:

There are mostly nurses working at HMO, Kaiser.

After my 2nd Moderna vaccination, I had a fever and chills in the first 8-36 hours, and thereafter I felt off. Not miserable, but genuinely physically weak during a week I had a lot of projects to do. But each time I exerted myself, I had to rest after a little while, a bizarre feeling for a busy person. It lasted over a week with fatigue and temperature dysregulation, the second week was much better, but not all the way normal.


After my 1st Pfizer I had some soreness in my arm. My 2nd Pfizer was yesterday and I woke up pretty miserable in the middle of the night, By early evening I was feeling better


My college-age cousin was similar – insisted he didn’t want to jump ahead of anyone. But then he realized there were many open appointments within a 1 hour drive, so figured it was better for him to get a shot now than no one at all. Got his first dose yesterday!

I think better not to wait too long and risk exposure late in the game – plus he can set the example for his friends to get vaccinated, which is helpful since college-age kids are a big source of spread right now.


Very sore arm the day after my 2nd Pfizer shot, but that’s it. I did drink Pedialyte as a doctor friend recommended.

A Facebook friend is convinced that a relative contracted COVID from the vaccine. Several of us chimed in, “No, the vaccine does not contain live virus so that’s impossible,” but she responded, “That’s what I thought, but that’s what they told me.” Not sure who “they” refers to. Ugh.

“They” would rather believe that they caught Covid from a vaccine. Or a chance encounter. Than contracting it from a friend or loved one who they spent time with.


@sevmom @curiocity915 ~ Thanks! I shared your thoughts with S. D and SIL have also been encouraging him. Our clinic is currently vaccinating ages 40 and up, but our state is open to 16+.
He has scheduled vaccine dose #1 for next Thursday. I am happy.

All of my siblings/spouses are now vaccinated. We are all thankful. Only one sister had a bad ‘reaction’ to dose #2. This sister has survived breast cancer, numerous surgeries, and continues to be grateful for each day. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Son2 got it! He was supposed to get J and J the day it got pulled but quickly rescheduled and got shot one of Pfizer. Whew!

I’ll ask him about after effects.

He lives in an area experiencing a resurgence with new variants. He has been pretty locked down but his work will soon ask people to come in. And…he is looking at fllghts to come see us!


I got mine recently (first dose). I had the same experience. Sore arm for a day and no other side effects to speak of. I feel much better and safer when I leave the house now. Most of my family has had it, except for a sister in law that thinks she’ll grow goat legs if she gets any vaccine.


And goat legs would probably be an improvement compared to what she has now. :wink:

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My youngest D had her first yesterday. Her second (Pfizer, 21 day) will be just a couple of days after my second (Moderna, 28 day).

My wife is complete and my oldest has her second next Saturday. So we should all be done and past the 14 day mark by the end of May.


Got my second Pfizer shot yesterday. The arm hurts less than the first. I felt fine all day and night and then this morning after breakfast I felt like relaxing on the sofa before starting work. Fell asleep for an hour and a half! I’m still fatigued but not as bad. And I seem to have an increased appetite.

DS got a standby shot yesterday too. He was bummed he could not lift weights today because his arm hurt.


Got my second Pfizer shot two days ago. No reaction except a sore arm (had that after the first shot too).

Both daughters got their first shot two days ago. :slight_smile:


D is now looking forward a vaccine near where she lives in SoCal. She believes there are several locations available and she will likely get choice of Pfizer or Moderna. She’s decided she wants Pfizer since H and I and my mom all had it with few side effects. We told her both are fine, just get it done ASAP.


Hubby and I are one week past our 2nd Pfizer, and D22 will get her 2nd Pfizer next week. We will all be set by mid May and we have tentative plans to visit schools at the beginning of June. Fingers crossed that we’ll have a trip I don’t have to cancel. It is still not easy to find a nearby place to get vaccinated in my suburban area; seems most people here are quite enthusiastic about getting their shots. But there’s quite a lot of availability in other parts of the state.


My immediate family is fully vaccinated now and the DD’s bf is getting his second dose this weekend. No one has had any side effects. But we have some Covid anti-vaxxers in the extended family, including one with health risks. It is very frustrating.


I was in the grocery store last week and there was a general announcement for shoppers to come get a vaccine at the pharmacy. I’m also seeing more stories about excess vaccines in various locales - I saw one story about a state whose mass vaccine sites had 10k extra doses out of a 16k allocation.

Crazy how just 3 weeks ago I was constantly refreshing web sites and hunting for an appointment for my D and now we’re entering a stage of vaccine abundance. Back in January I didn’t think we’d get here until September!

For those still hunting for a shot, I suspect you’ll be rewarded very soon.


Just returned from taking D for her second appointment. Picked her up early this morning because the appointment was about an hour away from her apartment and she doesn’t have a car. She worked the entire time from the backseat, only stopping for 30 minutes to go into the field house to get her shot. But it’s done! S2 is up next on the 28th and S1 gets his second on 5/1. Then our entire family but for the 2 year old will be vaccinated.


I had my second Pfizer about a month ago. Still have lingering lymph node/arm pit soreness on the shot side. Anyone else experiencing this? Am way overdue for a mammogram and should schedule that soon. I believe enough time has passed. Please fill me in if you have other helpful info? Thanks group!

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