So....who has had a covid vaccine?

When I called to schedule my mammogram they said to wait at least six weeks after being fully vaccinated because of lymph node issues. I hadn’t received my second shot yet when I called and was recommended to get the second shot in the same arm as the first so if there’s only swelling on that side it’s less of a concern than bilateral swelling or swelling on the other side.


Thank you so much, that is very helpful!

so lately I have had really bad brain fog. I forget names of things or people. Today I sent an email using the wrong email address. This all started since I have been fully vaccinated. I am wondering if its part of the side affects. I am also very tired lately as well.
It could be something else… but still. I got Moderna.

Did you report this via v-safe?

not yet. Will next time.

My husband and I received our second Moderna back in January; seems so long ago! He received a text from V-Safe this week for a check in, although I did not get one. It made me wonder how long they would follow those receiving the vaccines.

I wonder if it depends on your answers. I didn’t register with V-safe until after my second shot. Instead of a fever, I went the other way. My temp dropped to 94-95 (measured on two oral thermometers) for a little while until I took a hot shower. I wasn’t concerned, but thought someone should have a record of it in case it helped someone else. I got weekly follow ups for quite some time even after all my responses were “everything good.” I want to say maybe 6 weeks post shot? But I bet if you had more lingering issues, they’d keep checking for awhile.

I wonder how many people bothered with v-safe. My husband and I didn’t do it. I doubt my daughter did.

We all did v-safe even with limited reactions so that we could help develop the data.

V-safe wasn’t emphasized enough (at least from what I’ve seen locally). If it had been, there might have been clearer indications of this possible clotting issue with the J&J vaccine. V-safe stops the weekly texts at 6 weeks; my notification said it would still check in every few months at this point.

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never head of v-safe until just now. I googled V-safe on a couple the CA newspapers’ websites and found no hits. I guess it wasn’t of enough interest to the Editors.

Regardless, wouldn’t have signed up anyway.

Actually, v-safe is mentioned on the vaccination information sheets, but I think most people don’t read through those information sheets. At my area’s vaccination clinics, they weren’t even handed out.

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My friend’s S is a freshman at a PA college, living in a dorm. He just tested positive for Covid; was exposed (maskless inside gathering) 9 days after receiving the J&J shot. Very frustrating to mom that he let down his guard within the 14 day window! But goes to show that the waiting period is important to maintain. Wonder if he would have tested positive if it was day 13, 14 or 15?? So much we still don’t know…

A long time. The country is one big clinical trial. No one really discusses this but that’s the truth.


11th grader here, Got my 1st Pfizer dose a week and a half ago and am awaiting my 2nd dose until a week and a half after. Hopefully the side effects don’t interfere with my 6 AP exams


Maybe. Your immune system is fighting it off (creating the protection we need). Most people are not at their top game when their immune system is working whether they have symptoms of something or not.

I know shortly after I got my first Pfizer I lost miserably in a game I often win. I’ve lost the game before, of course, but losing it miserably is very rare. I’m guessing it’s due to the vaccine.

But for both H and me, forgetting names of people and things or using incorrect words for them has also been part of aging. I get it worse due to the massive amounts of radiation I had on my brain - or at least - I like to blame it on that (and was told that would be with me likely for life). H is always concerned when it happens to him because his mom had Alzheimer’s. Regardless of the cause, it’s definitely frustrating.

If due to the vaccine it will go away once your immune system returns to normal.

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My 16 y/o and I had our second dose of Pfizer on Wednesday. I was fine, a few chills during the night that had me tossing and turning, then just had a minor headache when I woke up the next morning.

My daughter, OTOH, has been miserable. We got our shots around 10:30am and 12 hours later she threw up. She was up all night shivering (I didn’t know) then when I checked on her in the morning, she had a 100.6 fever and bad headache. She stayed in bed all day, fever on/off, headache. She woke me up around 2:30am last night, saying she had thrown up again. She also had a 100.5 fever, shivering, couldn’t sleep b/c her back hurt from constantly shivering. She’s feeling a little better today, still has a headache but no fever. She just had a bowl of chicken soup. She’s missed three days of school - wish we had gotten 2nd dose on a Friday instead of a Wednesday but we did not have that option when we originally booked.

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H, D2 and I just received our second Pfizer vaccines this morning at the Del Mar Fairgrounds drive through mass vaccination site where we got our first shots. It is very well run and we were back home in under an hour. The nurse who gave us our vaccines told us to hydrate well for the next few days and said that that side effects may begin in 24 to 36 hours. It’s one of the reasons we made our appointments for Friday morning so we can recover over the weekend. D1 was very tired for a couple of days after she received her second dose of Pfizer. I don’t even care if we feel bad all weekend because I am really just so grateful to now have both doses of the vaccine!


Well I spoke too soon; just received my 3 month post second shot V-Safe text at 2:00 today. Neither my husband nor I had any issues with our vaccines, so all our questions were answered without any problems.

I would hope more people would sign up for V-Safe as I believe it will be a huge help with reporting reactions. I signed my mother up with my number, but only for her second vaccine; it was not known that I could use the same number for multiple people. Once I realized that the phone number didn’t matter, that the registration number was what was important, I registered. Unfortunately, we are losing the data of the elderly and others without access to smart phones; I wish there were others ways to report.

I used v-safe to record my daughter’s rash after she got the moderna shot - figured better to let somebody know than not.