So....who has had a covid vaccine?

I received my vaccines at a hospital on a medical school campus. (my employer) They came in our 15 minute waiting rooms after the first shot and said “while your waiting pull up this website on your card and fill out the info” - smart because honestly at that point - late January? - I was so thrilled to get the vaccine I would have done whatever they told me!!! - whatever price I had to pay! :slight_smile: But I think being a research institution they they knew the input would be valuable information.


Anyone know if there’s public access to v-safe reporting or if that information goes to the VAERS database?

we had no sheets to hand out. Went to a mass vax site and all they had was a page of side effects that was laminated and wiped down after each customer.

Heck, I didn’t even receive a vax “card”. Instead, it was just a slip of paper on which was copied the cdc logo and vax info on which the nurse wrote the date and lot number.

Perhaps helpful for real serious reactions, but as we all know from AP Stats, self-reported anecdotes does not equal useful data. Thus, I’m skeptical of the value as anyone with a serious reaction should be calling their MD.

I got my antibody test back from donating blood post Pfizer… it’s positive! Now I know I not only had a “working” dose, my body actually did what it was supposed to with it. It definitely gives me confidence.

H will be donating this coming Sunday, then it seems to take a little over two weeks to find out.


I used the online vaccine reporting cite. We installed it shortly after we got our 1st or 2nd shot (can’t recall).

My shot appointments were done through VAMS. I got a text about VSafe after my first shot…and signed up. After the first shot, I got a daily text survey for the first week, and then weekly for 3 additional weeks. For the second shot, I got the daily survey for the first week, and weekly then for six weeks total.

I was done on February 5 and haven’t heard from them since.

I did this because I felt it was data the CDC needed to have.

I had extreme fatigue and brain fog for just over a week and was not back to mostly normal until the full two weeks. Sadly, I could not report on Vsafe as the system would not send, successfully, the verification text. I tried on my phone and tried on my laptop.

I agree. And as far as people reporting reactions to their doctors, there are many people who do not have PCPs.

Someone I know had a strange reaction to his 2nd Moderna shot – his calf and ankle swelled up on his left side (same side he got the shot). Urgent care turned him away because he had a fever. (That’s when I would have gone to the ER, but he didn’t want to do that; probably because of the $600 copay to just walk in the front door.) Anyway, he kept taking Benadryl. His PCP is an immunologist; that’s what she told him to do. At one point she thought he’d might need to get a shot. His doctor reported all of this to the CDC. He was supposed to get a call from them (and possibly the FDA?); he never got any calls.

He’d had a bee sting on that foot/ankle the week before. He did NOT swell up after that. Possibly what happened is that the bee sting could be considered an injection, and since there should be 14 days between immunizations, that could be applied to things like bee stings, spider bites, etc.? So maybe the question should be asked if anyone had a bee sting, etc. in the last 14 days?

My D had a headache and fatigue post Pfizer#2. Really nothing more and nothing that stopped her from doing what she needed to do yesterday.

I always get significant swelling a week after a bee sting. (Was quite lovely when a bee flew under my sunglasses and stung me by my eye.) It’s happened three times. I did go to the Dr. who wasn’t concerned. I take Benadryl and it eventually goes down. So your friend’s swelling may not be vaccine related.

Since the swelling started only 1 - 1.5 hours post-vax, it seems that the swelling must have been vaccine-related.

H and I helped D1 yesterday at her new apartment. We hung a tv, pictures,curtains and rods. When we got home at 1 pm we had a quick lunch and then both took a 4 hour nap. I woke up with a headache after the nap and had some brain fog. This morning I’m feeling pretty good, maybe just a little tired.


Yes, public can report to both. H reported his to VAERS also.


I have been following a forum of people having issues and some are reporting brain fog, so you are not alone. Other issues are vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, hearing loss, fatigue or combinations thereof.

It’s on

Hope you improve soon!

Just went with my 18 year old son (HS senior) today for his second dose and so far no side effects although he said this one hurt more than the first one. He had some arm pain the first go around. I guess we will see if he has any issues tomorrow. He’s my 4th and last kid to get the vax and none have had any issues so hoping it’s genetics as far as any side effects. My other son and one daughter had Moderna and other daughter and he had Pfizer. I had Moderna and my second dose I had a rough time about 48 hours out with a headache and just feeling crummy but that was it. No fever, chills or achiness. My husband just had his second Pfizer last Monday and no side effects with either. No covid in our family either so hoping that has helped in the mild side effects as well. Cannot say how relieved I am to have my entire family full vaccinated and my son who’s an athlete can finish his season and have feel more safe at his outdoor but in person graduation, as can we. Masks required of course, but the vaccine gives even more added protection.

He also already his proof of vaccine to his university which is mandating it to any student living on campus and even if he weren’t, happy to have it in there so it’s just a little more freedom down the line where it may be required in other instances there.

@4kids4us How’s your daughter feeling now that it’s 2 days out? Hopefully better. That’s one thing that we do know is side effects are hitting younger ones a little more, but hopefully she’s starting to feel better. Did she by any chance have covid? That’s another thing I’ve heard is that for some if they had covid they also have worse side effects. Some who didn’t know they had covid are now also finding out they did. What a way to find out though. :frowning:


Forgot to add that while we were there they also asked if I had been vaccinated because they had extras (Moderna or Pfizer). Fortunately I was, but this was a local mass vax site and it was non stop with people so I was happy to see that but hoping they had a steady stream all day and that it continues.

My husband literally just texted me that 5m people have not shown up for their second doses! Ugh not good!!

Son just had his first Pfizer shot at Seattle Children’s; so far only a sore arm. They had it set up in the medical library, with stations at carrels and waiting seats in the stacks. And used cartoon character bandaids.


@srparent15 Thanks for asking - we had our second dose on Wed morning. My daughter’s symptoms started that evening around bedtime and did not fully subside until Friday evening. She was rid of the fever Friday morning, but wiped out from not sleeping well two nights in a row. She said she had a backache from so much shivering!

I had heard similar that people who’ve had covid often have more reaction to the vaccine. My daughter never had Covid. My 18 y/o, who also never had Covid, had J&J and had similar symptoms but his only last about 18 hours. However, my older son, who did have Covid, albeit asymptomatic, also had J&J and he didn’t get sick at all after the vaccine. And my oldest daughter, the first of any of us to get vaccinated, had Pfizer a while ago. She did not get sick from either dose but said she was extremely tired (she never had Covid either).

My husband is the only one of us to have Moderna but he does not get his second dose until this week so it will be interesting to see if he has any side effects.

Basically so far:
Me: Pfizer, sore arm after dose one, mild headache after dose 2
D21 Pfizer, extremely tired after both doses
D16 Pfizer, really sick after Dose 2 (fever, vomiting, headache for 36ish hrs)
S18 J&J, sick (chills, not sure if had fever, awful headache for 18ish hrs)
S20 J&J, mild headache and previously had asymptomatic Covid
Husband: Moderna Dose 1 little bit of arm soreness, Dose 2 this week

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Thanks for the breakdown!
I have identical twins - one got Moderna in late January and one got Pfizer in March. It will be fascinating to see if there are any differences as they get older. The Moderna one had no effects the other one complained of sore arm literally about 20 mins after the shot. I told her it was probably because she weighed 10lbs. (she’s very petite so I wasn’t exactly being sarcastic) but her response was that all her friends had sore arms. She was fine the next day and then second shot no complaints. My ex husband had some chills, my brother had chills - both after second dose and my father had chills and headache also after second all Moderna. The rest of us nothing other than my feeling crappy about 48 hours out with a headache I thought at first was a migraine but wasn’t and just an overall yucky feeling which lasted 24 hours then gone.

My son is nervous he won’t feel well tomorrow but fortunately it’s an asynchronous day and then has sports practice so fingers crossed but your situation with your daughter will keep me on alert. Poor kids.


I know MANY people now who have had all doses of all available vaccines and not one of us has had any kind of severe symptoms. Anecdotes and repetitive narratives of nasty side effects are not true for the majority.