So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Thank you. And as we all know there is a reporting mechanism for this info for the CDC to track and there are more than 200m doses already given out so considering the side effects thus far, not nearly as bad as some other vaccines or medications and most are temporary anyway.


Got second Moderna on Monday, 4/19. Side effects started @24 hours later with low-grade temp, feeling cold (but no chills) and even more fatigue than usual. The big red blotchy spot on my arm arrived the next day, and started receding three days later. Arm was not sore at all.

I had cholera and yellow fever shots as a kid – they were FAR worse.

S1 got a vaccination in Santa Clara County two days after CA opened up to 16+. Don’t know which kind. S2 is flying back here from Eastern Europe in July to get vaccinated, as it’s not available there. Is hoping for J&J so he can go back in three weeks. I expect by late July getting an appointment and being able to get the vaccine you want will be considerably easier.


That relates to people having significant side-effects after the 1st dose.

The vestibular website isn’t for people having issues due to the vaccine. It’s a website dedicated to people who have inner ear and brain balance disorders.

From the Vestibular website: Common VESTIBULAR SYMPTOMS include dizziness, vertigo and imbalance. Secondary symptoms may include nausea, ringing in the ears (or tinnitus), hearing loss, cognitive impairment, brain fog

It’s not surprising that people who have a vestibular disorder are still going to experience its symptoms after getting a vaccine. It’s misleading to suggest that their symptoms are related to the vaccine.


It definitely should. Chicago opens today for walk ins (no longer need appointments) and yesterday in my suburb same thing. My son had his second but they were taking walk in as well. Demand will slow a bit presumably until the 12+ is approved. If your son uses a vaccine finders site for your area he shouldn’t have a problem finding JNJ.

My sister had hers at a Children’s hospital and they gave her goldfish crackers and juice.


I have a psychotherapy client who is still experiencing those symptoms post-Covid infection. She’s 64 years old and had not been vaccinated when she got sick.

We have family in both MA and RI. As of this morning, CVS in both states have many many locations with vaccine available. It would seem that if you want to be vaccinated you can be vaccinated.


My Son in law (30) had the Pfizer vaccine on Friday. He had mild Covid in December. His only side effect was a little pain at the injection site.


I agree with you regarding availability in MA. Its great to see especially as kids come home from college and might need a 2nd dose, it’s pretty easy to set that up now. Obviously, there are still populations that are underserved, but I know efforts are ongoing to get the vaccine to those who aren’t able to get to it themselves.

Over 50 places in CT will not require appointments for shots beginning tomorrow!

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Youngest son and DIL got their second Pfizer doses today. So far, all is well and they’re quite happy to be on their way to less worry.


I had my 2nd Pfizer 12 days ago. I didn’t feel too awful except for some aches and slight fever


DH and I had the J&J the day before the pause – we are perfectly fine, good to go. S1 gets his 2nd Pfizer this week and then my entire family of 25 is vaccinated as able (kids are too young). We choose to not gather bc we have 2 cancer patients and a transplant patient, and we are not yet sure how safe they are in a large indoor group. But small group hugging has begun!


Eh, both “kids” (20s) have Pfizer side effects today - sore arm, feeling “ugh,” etc. They both realize it means the vax is working, so that’s a plus.

And I just finished skimming a study from China seeming to show those with asymptomatic Covid don’t always/usually have the neutralizing antibodies to fend off a second case - hence, perhaps (possible cause of), India’s recent problem after 50+% already had Covid making them think they’d reached herd immunity, yet getting hit so hard now. Therefore, we’re happier with the vax even if it comes with a day or two of side effects.

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Wife and I had our first Moderna doses yesterday morning; 16-year-old S22 gets his first Pfizer tomorrow afternoon. Had expected Pfizer for us, too, but the site we went to is transitioning to Moderna; yesterday they were doing second shots of Pfizer but first shots only of Moderna. No major side effects. We both had sore arms, and DW felt some modest chills and fatigue last night.

Availability seems to be loosening quickly here in Massachusetts. I looked for CVS appointments for S22 last week and found none. This week I tried Walgreens and there were plenty available, just have to take him to a store 3 miles from us. Anecdotally, I understand that a fair number of vaccine holdouts aren’t actual antivaxxers but just didn’t want to deal with the hassle of appointments, waits and long trips to a site. Now that we’re swiftly moving toward walk-in status in a lot of places, I hope there won’t be too much of a dropoff in vaccination rates (though the 4 million-shot days are over, as they would eventually need to be).


Today is two weeks post-2nd Pfizer for me and H and other than sore arms we were normal. D22 got her 2nd Pfizer yesterday, did have some chills at night that went away sometime in the middle of the night. She’s tired and slightly achy today but no fever. Was able to go to school, and is now lying down and resting, has taken a couple Tylenol during the day. Hoping that’s it for the side effects - pretty minimal I’d say.


Whole family received 2nd moderna shot this morning. DH and I have sore injection sites like the first shot some fatigue and about 12 hours in aches and chills but no fever. Kids, D15, S17 and D19 all have sore arms, aches and chills. D15’s entire injection arm is painful
hoping that resolves quickly. Didn’t happen with the first shot.

Update for me: fever started at 2am
full blown flu symptoms
.chills, body aches, fever, elevated heart rate.

I do worry that the people giving the injections aren’t careful with placement at these mass sites. Glad to be done.

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That is great news every where. but what about the incident we are hearing from others?

@AdamAllen94 what does this post reference?