So....who has had a covid vaccine?

Just heard this story yesterday from a friend. A few days before her scheduled second shot, her daughter ended up in the ER. My friend spent about 12 hours straight in the ER with her daughter. She gets her second shot (was feeling a little under the weather but no fever). The following day she got her required work Covid test and it was positive. She probably picked up Covid in the ER and actually had it when she got shot number two. Obviously, had she known she had it she would have rescheduled shot number two. Luckily her sick daughter did not catch Covid

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I’m confused
does she have two daughters? Didn’t you say the ER daughter caught covid?

I just read it again
the mom got COVID? But the daughter didn’t?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Wouldn’t worry about this new poster; liked one random post of mine from a couple of months ago and no other. Oddball late night newbie.


I’m thinking I may be counted among those who haven’t gotten their second shot because I got my first in my home state, then went to be with my mother in another state as she was dying and got my second one there. In fact, I might be counted as only getting the first shot in two states! Doesn’t seem to be an easy way to fix this. Hopefully, there aren’t a lot of people like me to mess up the statistics.


@my3girls so sorry about your mother! But grateful that you managed to get both doses.

I think there are a lot of us that aren’t counted as receiving a second vaccine, but that’s good news. We chose Walgreens, thinking they would make it easier to split the vaccines between two states. It didn’t. Trying to reach them by phone meant holding about an hour. Part of the problem was they didn’t seem to be scheduling second vaccines until at least 6 weeks after the first. It was only 4 weeks if you went back to the original location. I tried calling the pharmacies, but they referred me to the 800#. I finally figured out a way to make a second appointment on the Kroger web site. Thank you Kroger!

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I ran into the same thing after getting my first shot at Walgreens. But CVS has made a niche out of offering second shots and it was no problem to schedule with them. A plus – Walgreens was scheduling second Pfizer shots 28 days out and by doing it this way I got it at 21 days.

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I tried the CVS site, and while it offered second vaccines, it wouldn’t let me sign up. I figured it was because they were only offering Pfizer. I also tried to get help through my county health department. They didn’t bother to contact me until 3 weeks past my second vaccine due date.

Were you able to get your second?

Yes, at Kroger.

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I think they just have to guess to adjust the statistics. Some people die before getting the second shot (like Hank Aaron did), others get the wrong second shot (we had a clinic here that appeared not to listen to people or look at the card). We had a clinic screw up the refrigeration and so those people needed to get 3 shots

Some people who had covid and got one shot don’t think they need the second.

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Adult son had his second Pfizer yesterday and had no after effects other than a sore arm. Well, he did feel a bit tired, but said he couldn’t tell if that was any different than other days. Now we can start planning to finally see him - whew.


S21 had his second Moderna shot last week, no effects other than a sore arm. Wife was out for three days after her second Moderna, I was out for 1.5 days. Headache, fever chills etc. Nothing but sore arms after the first one, but that second really got us.


I was diagnosed with Colon cancer 2 moths ago. You couldnt get me to see anybody (except those that I know and trust)

Had Covid a little over a month ago. Relatively mild symptoms - feverish (no actual fever), chills, headache, body ache. Lasted for about two-three days. Fatigue lasted much longer (and is still present).

Doc says I can get the vaccine anytime I wish. So, I did sign up for the Pfizer 2-shot deal at CVS - first one is tomorrow.

Anyone else here get the vaccine after having had Covid? Is the reaction worse if you’ve had Covid?


I have heard you may have more side effects but that was not our experience. I got the vaccine and then 13 days later got a mild case of covid. I got the second shot 6 weeks after the first. I just had a mildly sore arm. My husband had both shots a couple months after having Covid and had no side effects after the first shot and mild side effects after the second. Our son in law had Covid in December and his second shot last week. No side effects with either. Also I lost my sense of smell with covid and gained it back shortly after the vaccination.


My son had Covid, but last year (March). He got both doses of Moderna this year. First shot, no side effects other than a sore arm. Second one he was down for a few hours the next morning, but after a nap he felt much better. He’s in his late 20s.


@thumper1 You started this thread right? why are you asking me about the reference.
By the way, i posted the comment because of the rumors about deaths after vaccination.