So will any merit scholarships be announced later?

<p>My son got an acceptance e-mail today but it didn't say anything about merit aid. Should we assume that means he's not getting any?</p>

<p>You need to sign in with the online ID provided in the e-mail, then proceed to the Financial Aid section and dig out the Financial Aid Letter. It tells you what kind of need-based and merit aid you got.</p>

<p>There’s nothing there. Does this mean he’s not getting anything? Since he’d gotten a likely letter I was hopeful.</p>

<p>Last night I got my acceptance email & like you, checked the online financial aid section to find nothing mentioned. </p>

<p>Then I checked again this morning, and the Financial Aid Letter link appeared with today’s date on it. I didn’t qualify for any financial aid, but I did get merit aid, so I think they’re still processing!</p>

<p>If you did not apply for need based financial aid you will have to wait for the letter to come to be sure. It will be there soon. They are mailed when the emails are sent.</p>