So you're accepted...How to choose?

I’ve been accepted at UCI and UCSD, and I’ve been wait-listed at UCSB. How would you personally rank these 3 schools - based on your notion regarding each university’s reputation, status, and so on? Don’t take location, choice of major, etc. into account. Thanks.

Seeing as though UCSB is a ‘waitlist’ option, and seeing as though calling acceptance there at this point a ‘long shot’ would be generous, I’d focus on UCI and UCSD.

From all the research we did with our daughter over the last year, I’d say UCI is more SELECTIVE than UCSD. However, that really doesn’t mean much.

Ultimately, it’s about what school appeals to YOU the most. Both are fairly different. Both are also GREAT schools. From reading the boards here on CC for UCSB admissions, you’ll see a lot of kids admitted at UCSB that were denied at UCSD. Some goes for kids that were accepted at UCSB and denied at UCI. It’s unpredictable.

Visit both, decide which one feels like the best fit, and pull the trigger. Either way, you’re set to attend an amazing UC campus!

They are all pretty close academically, so I would rank by departments you are interested in. For example, Physics it would be UCSB, UCSD, UCI in that order. If you are undecided, then other aspects of these schools might be more important. For example, in your spare time you want to hang out on the beach and play sand volleyball, then chose UCI.