
<p>I'm going to SOAR alone, so I was wondering if anybody who went to SOAR this weekend, or has gone before recently could tell me exactly how the schedule of the two days go? As in, where we are, what we do, what dinner is like, etc. How does check in work? I'm a bit concerned I won't be prepared and could end up eating alone at dinner because other students have parents there.</p>


<p>You’ll check in (I forget where but you’ll find out) and everything is very directed. You eat dinner with your parents and other students at a big table, so don’t worry about being alone. Other than you all stay in a big group so it doesn’t matter if you’re alone.</p>



<p>I actually work for SOAR so I’ll give you a little rundown:</p>

<p>Day 1: The first day starts with placement testing in the morning. If you have already completed testing regionally then you will skip this part. Check in happens between 1:00 and 3:30 with a resource fair to check out some programs around campus. Then there is a couple hour welcome presentation with a number of different offices speaking. Dinner follows where you sit at a big table with other families and possibly a New Student Leader. (NSL, Students who run the program) After that students head over to a brief presentation about college life then break up into groups of about 15 or so for small group discussion with a NSL. That goes until 8:30 at which point you do student late night where students socialize and can bowl, rock climb, play games etc. </p>

<p>Day 2: Advising at 8:00 am sharp, don’t be late or you can’t enroll! You will eat lunch with the small group from the previous day and then enroll at 1:00. After that you can take a tour or are free to go!</p>

<p>You will be super busy these couple days and around hundreds or peers at basically all times so don’t worry about being alone. I’ve had some students at dinner who are alone and I usually engage with them to make sure they’re comfortable then other families chime in and it’s all good. Have a fun SOAR!</p>

<p>Thank you Cryto! That was very helpful.</p>

<p>Would I have to find my own way back to the housing after activities on the first day, and to the advising the day after? Or will there be people to walk us there.</p>

<p>Also, should I bring money to pay any fees?</p>

<p>Do make sure you can pay the SOAR/its housing fee if you didn’t before arrival. Unless you wander off alone there should be plenty of people around going to the same places. Housing is at Liz and hard to miss on Observatory where Charter ends… Get a map on campus. Have money for incidentals/snacks, parking if you drive or taxi to bus/airport et al.</p>



<p>If you are staying in Liz Waters for the program then SAFE walk will lead you back after student late night on day one. </p>

<p>If you have payed your fees online then you don’t have to pay anything more. Just have some cash for any miscellaneous stuff. You will be getting a free dinner day one and free lunch day two. If you stay at Liz Waters you get breakfast day two also.</p>

<p>Cryto- is SAFE walk available during the summer?</p>

<p>I am not sure about their services to the general student population during the summer months, but I’m going to go ahead and assume so. Don’t quote me on it though haha.</p>

<p>They have a huge presence at SOAR however and are their every night for many walks up to Liz for students and elsewhere for parents. Usually about six of them are floating around towards the end of the evening at Union South.</p>

<p>In other words- stick with SOAR groups and no problems with safety it seems.</p>

<p>Hey guys, what about the international SOAR? What is the one-week scheduel like??
Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>You also don’t HAVE to stick with the SOAR groups. They will take you to the library where you’ll play board games and stuff, but you’re free to go explore Madison or go back to Liz Waters right away or whatever. Just don’t go alone - find a group of people (totally easy) and you will be just fine.</p>



<p>No you don’t have to, but I would say it’s recommended. By the way, the SOAR program has changed in that it’s in the new Union South, not the random compilation of buildings like it has been in years passed. It sounds like you are dissing the late night with board games in the library which I can’t really argue with, but where else in Madison are you going to be able to rock climb, bowl, play pool, video games, and watch TV for free during your “exploration”. </p>

<p>Union South has much better amenities than years passed and the social aspect of meeting all the new people can make transitions easier and quell some fears. If you decide you do want to leave though, which is totally okay, at least bring some friends so you don’t get lost!</p>

<p>I know of a few kids who turned up their noses at the thought of bowling and rock wall climbing recently, BUT ended up staying for that portion of SOAR (Day 1, Evening) and thoroughly enjoying it. I believe this is when kids were grouped together by dorms, so it was chance to meet others who will be living in the same building.</p>