social experiment

<p>If you could save a stranger from a different state who was about to die(by heart attack, cancer, car accident, etc.), but it would cost you $100, would you do it?</p>

<p>The person is guaranteed to be saved, but you don't know who you're saving. It could be a psychopath or a 4 year old girl. And you never get to figure out who it is.</p>

<p>edit: and if you could pay the 100 repeatedly to save more people, when would you stop? would you do it once? would you go bankrupt?</p>

<p>Yes. I already give money to organizations that help people I will never meet, so I don’t see how this is any different. I’d rather give somebody a chance at life because there is a much greater chance that it is a person who deserves to be saved rather than a psychopath.</p>

<p>What is the purpose of this if we can’t know who’s going to be saved?</p>

<p>I would. It’s a matter of me feeling like everyone deserves a shot at life</p>

<p>“What is the purpose of this if we can’t know who’s going to be saved?”</p>

<p>The purpose is to help someone. But because you don’t get to see who you saved, there’s no payoff for you at all. Normally there would be satisfaction in seeing who you helped, but this would be totally selfless.</p>

<p>you can always tell if you’re saving one of the guys on Forbes top billionaires…</p>

<p>I would.

<p>I would for a good while, maybe not bankrupt, but I would definitely help</p>

<p>Honestly this isn’t much of a social experiment. I don’t know of anyone that wouldn’t do this.</p>

<p>Well, I would need about 30 minutes to do some math work.</p>

<p>Lets say physco is x.
Lets say nice girl is y.</p>

<p>Factor in the fact that the physco is outnumbered by the nice girl by 10 to 1. Derive the formula:</p>

<p>10y > 1x</p>

<p>Then you want to calculate the velocity of which they are moving and for these purposes, the girl is moving at 40 meters per second over 20 seconds.</p>

<p>So then you want to find her acceleration so you use a=v/t which makes it a=40/20. Her acceleration is then 2 meters per second squared which then allows you to find her force.</p>

<p>Her mass is 9kg so you use f=ma. You get f=9kg x 2m/s squared. That equals 18 Newtons. </p>

<p>But no no no, your not done yet. You want to find her force due to gravity so you use f=mg. Gravity’s constant is 9.8 meters per second squared so plug it in…F=9kg x 9.8 and you get 88.2 Newtons due to gravity on Earth.</p>

<p>So since she is on Earth and the 88.2 Newtons is a number smaller than $100, I would go ahead and spend the $100 and save his/her life.</p>

<p>fromthesouth, i asked this on a different forum and 21 out of 30 said no. one person even said “i wouldn’t pay a dime unless i was getting something out of it”</p>

<p>i think the main difference is that CC has a post history and the other forum doesn’t.</p>

<p>Hm. Interesting topic.</p>

<p>Of course I would do it, but the tough question is when I would stop.</p>

<p>Obviously I’d love to help as many people as possible, but I also need my money (I’m in a low income family). And I wouldn’t ever get any of the money back either.</p>

<p>At first I thought that 10 sounded like a good number. I’d spend $1000 and save 10 people. I could easily cover that with my own funds that I have accumulated through investments and work over the 5 years.</p>

<p>However, knowing that I could be using the rest my money to save other people would probably eat away at my soul. Overall it would depend on how much money I have. If I was a billionaire I probably wouldn’t ever stop.</p>

<p>The truth is that in my current financial situation I honestly don’t know when I would stop.</p>

<p>I’d spend enough money to gather enough data on how this save-a-life process works (what forces go into it), then exploit those forces and make it so that the fee would only cost a few cents.</p>

<p>Then I’d mess with the forces until I get it to work for more than one person (without an increase in fee), thereby saving more lives at a lesser cost to me.</p>

<p>If that didn’t work, I’d hire a group of financial consultants and businessmen, create a non-profit organization, make this process publicly known through the mass media, and beg the good people of the world to donate money to (directly) save a life.</p>

<p>You know what. Screw that. I am gonna pay the $100 and I am going to track the sucker down and make them pay me $2000 in interest.</p>

<p>[there</a> are already organizations like this.](<a href=“]there”> for 40 pounds you can feed a child for a year. if you don’t donate, one more child goes hungry and possibly dies. how many of you who say you’d give $100 to save a stranger have donated to causes like this?</p>

<p>the truth is: strangers are meaningless to me. people die every day. one american dies every 12 seconds and i don’t bat an eye. they only have meaning to me when they come up to me and beg on the street and become at least temporarily a part of my life. they only have meaning when i can empathize and see them as fully human.</p>

<p>^Those kinds of organizations don’t come to our doorsteps…</p>

<p>If I had $100, I would, if there was a guarantee that it isn’t a scam. However, I wouldn’t go bankrupt doing it, as I have my own welfare to protect. Most people who are going to die are going to die anyway (like with cancer - you can’t exactly save someone from cancer), so I’m not sure it’d help a great deal. Still, human life is worth much more than $100.</p>


Huh, because they definitely already had their shot at life, and clearly they’re out of luck. I’d keep the money.</p>

<p>I mean, really, you guys are on here posting that you’d give 100 bucks to save a life, but have you ever actually DONE that? You could be handing out money left and right to people with huge hospital bills - have you done that? And BTW every 12 seconds that you’re not donating, you’re personally responsible for somebody’s death!!!1!11!!!</p>

<p>how much longer would they stay alive for?</p>

<p>i feel like cancer or a heart attack is totally diff from someone dying in a car accident. if i could cure cancer for someone for 100 bucks, most deff. if i could just save them from the inevitable for another day, maybe not</p>

<p>Nope, not if I didn’t personally know them. Lives are way cheaper than $100 anyway, it would be a bad investment if I were working with simple arithmetic – malaria nets and whatnot when massed produced and mass distributed are cheaper…</p>

<p>chris2k5, we should all do what you do…the world might be a brighter place(physics-wise)</p>

<p>i would save their live(if it was a psychopath, i’d pay the police extra to protect my id) and i would continue doing this til i’m broke, then i would sign up for doctors without borders so i can still save people even though i’d still be dirt poor.</p>
