Social life

<p>Virginia tech is my first choice. I already Know I will get an excellent education out of interior design here, but I want to know exactly what the social aspect is like as well.
Are there more house or frat parties? Describe each of the parties for me please because I heard the house parties are only like ten people casually drinking and that frat parties are never dancing backlight parties.
If you have joined a sorority what is it like living in a sorority house and how often do you have socials and formals?</p>

<p>I am a current freshman at Tech and I would have to disagree about the house vs. frat parties. I have been to a few house parties that have been all out dancing and drinking and extremely crowded to the point where you can’t move. I haven’t really been to any frat parties, but I know for a fact that you will find many different parties. A lot of the frats have themed parties and there is dancing probably wherever you go. There are also a lot of students that choose to just drink and party in their dorm (including myself), which can be just as fun as well. Just have to be cautious.</p>

<p>There are both. Frat parties are bigger during recruitment/rush at the beginning of the year and house parties go all academic year. House parties can be what you described or they can be pretty raging; the majority of the ones that I went to were packed unless I knew I was just going to chill and have a few drinks. Frat parties vary but there is usually dancing. I dated a couple girls in sororities and it seemed like they’d have a formal and semiformal once a semester but I really don’t remember for sure.</p>

<p>Drinking in the dorms is sort of a really bad idea depending on who your RA is. Pregaming is ok but if they hear you from the hall they can search your room and give everybody the alcohol citation if anyone has alcohol in the room. So try and avoid that.</p>

<p>Piece of advice: if you are in a tradition room instead of a suite, do not drink it in your dorm. I am in a suite right now but my roommate, suitemate, and friends got caught in a traditional room dorm.</p>