<p>What is life like on campus? What do people do for fun? Are parties popular here? Essentially, what will my life be like if I go here? Also, I heard its dead on the weekends...how accurate is this?</p>
<p>I’m a current freshmen. I mean there are parties but unlike at nearby schools such as USC , we don’t have any kind of frat row so parties are just in regular houses scattered around the neighborhood. lemme tell you surround neighbors werent too pleased. im not gunna lie the parties here kinda suck, they get crashed around 12-1 depending how large the party is. however thats just the freshmen parties, my roomate goes to some more upperclass parties and theyre better. cuz when youre a freshmen you dont know what else to do so you go to the ones that everyone knows about. parking lot empties out on weekends, its quite funny actually. but thatsn ot saying that lmu is not social, it definitely is you just gotta find the right people and the right place.</p>