<p>I’m not going to lie, it is (in general) harder to meet people and build friendships at Berkeley (and college in general) than in high school. People operate on different schedules, have different classes every semester, and it takes much more effort to keep in touch. The problem with a school as large as Berkeley is networking. Often, you’ll be friends with this person who is friends with other people, and you’ll know them from another class or something. It’s a network. But at Berkeley, very often you’ll meet someone once and never see him/her again. That’s simply because there are too many people at Berkeley. Sad but true.</p>
<p>I find it easy to meet people if you really want to. Sit next to someone for lunch at the dinning commons. Strike up a random conversation in line, or at a party. Sure, most people don’t do this, and some people might think you’re weird, but you certainly can do this, and some eccentricity is generally accepted at Berkeley. The problem is, how do you go from meeting people to developing deep friendships with them. And that’s the tough part. It’s really tough. Some people get lucky and they get along really well with their floormates, and they just keep hanging out throughout college. But what if you’re not one of the lucky ones? You’ll have a tougher time. Of course, it also depends on the person you are. I would say, generally the friendships you make will depend on these factors:</p>
<li><p>What kind of person are you? Do you get along well with most people or are you more selective? (note that the latter is not a necessarily a bad thing, but it does make it more difficult for you)</p></li>
<li><p>What kind of opportunities are you giving yourself? Are you joining clubs? Talking to people in your class? Striking up random convos?</p></li>
<li><p>Luck. A lot of meeting the right people and building good friendships is just luck.</p></li>
<p>So, if you’re outgoing, does that guarantee that you’ll enjoy a great social scene at Berkeley? Not necessarily, especially if #2 and #3 are not working in your favor. Or if you make a lot of effort, joining clubs, and meeting people? You still might have a lackluster social life. Some people do this and don’t see results, and they think they’re doing something wrong, or they blame Berkeley for not having a “good social scene”, when really it’s they who are not noticing the other factors.</p>
<p>As for finding a relationship, what I’ve said above mostly applies. If you are a woman and not that picky, it is relatively easy to find a relationship, especially if you present yourself in the right way. If you’re a fella, it will be tougher, because most fella are after the same few girls, so competition is much tougher. That’s life.</p>