Social Science: IB Business or IB Psychology?

I’m going to study Science/Engineering in college in the future. Now need to pick a Social Science class for my 11th-12th grade IB diploma , I don’t want to take IB History(really hard), so I have to choose between Business and Psychology , all SL, who can give me some advice on which is useful or look good on college application?

I’v heard Business will evolve Deca projects, which our school is good at, but then I need to take 10th grade business class to be good at it. This will change my plan of taking physics at 10th grade. I’m a little confused. Any one can give me some advice about this? Thanks a lot!


Business is generally a 6th subject not a social science. You will probably need History or Psychology for Social Science.

I don’t really know which one will look best on a college application, but if what nw2this says is true, then history or psychology would be the way to go. I’m taking both of those, and I don’t think IB history is that bad. If your reading comprehension is very good, then you’ll be able to do very well on Paper 1. Paper 2…well there’s a large IB curve for that. In my IB Psych SL, we just read up on a lot of psych studies and use those to answer the IB Questions…

I think you should choose whichever one you’d enjoy most.

My daughter (ended up majoring in Math) took SL Business as her social science (also thought History would be too hard). I would say take whatever is more interesting…and make sure you meet your HS req. for History first.