<p>Well I am a sophmore right now and I have zero extra curriculars so far (pathetic, I know) anyway, this summer I am going to be joing my towns first aid squad/certified EMT-b. I am also going to volunteer at a hospital. I see people posting long lists of extra curriculars and I am wondering if I should stick to these two things and truly dedicate myself or would I be better off volunteering for like everything as seems to be the case with many people on this forum. In terms of clubs I am going to join DECA next year and maybe one more thing like math league. Btw how important are these factors at a school like NYU Stern?</p>
<p>come on, at least one person answer</p>
<p>I think that joining the EMT and volunteering at a hospital would be a better choice. Mostly because EVERYONE does math league or DECA. However, I think you should do math league and DECA because if you want to do business at NYU Stern, volunteering at a hospital and joining the EMT would be almost pointless. What I do suggest is that you join DECA and math league PLUS something that makes you stand out from the other thousands of applicants that apply to NYU Stern. Everyone will have math league and that kinda stuff. Starting your own business or something along those lines will show business schools such as Stern that you have a passion and a real interest in the things you will be learning if you attend that school. </p>
<p>Chance me back please! Thanks.
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/708592-chances-getting-into-brown-2.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/708592-chances-getting-into-brown-2.html</a></p>
<p>Ya starting a bussiness would actually be a really good and very possible idea for me because my dad is CEO of a company that is always doing new things.</p>