<p>Hey, I'm new to CC but I'm a rising 2nd year at UVA. I'm going to be living in Brown next year (Tucker) and I've got questions that I haven't found the answers to:</p>
<p>1) Is it true that all of the rooms are set up so that one of the two connected rooms has 2 closets? In other words, is it true that there is always a fireplace room and a room with 2 closets (which is how the uva housing website shows the layout). Is it a decision between you and your roommate as to who gets which room or is there a set assignment based on whether you are A1 or A2</p>
<p>2) I know we park at the Emmet/Ivy garage. But I read on this site that we don't have to go to the big day of parking permit sales?? How exactly does getting your permit work??</p>
<p>3) Can anyone post pictures of their room? I'm trying to figure out how I want to do storage. I'm thinking I can totally get away with putting all my clothes into the captain's bed drawers and so I could just use my closet for stuff like a suitcase and other things if I ended up in the room without the closets. I guess I'm really just trying to get a feel for how much wall space I'm going to have to work with and what layouts have worked for others.</p>
<li>Yes, it’s true. Normally, whoever gets there first on move-in day takes the room he/she wants regardless of A1/A2 assignment.</li>
<p>if you’re still here (doubtful) i can give you a tour
i’m PM-ing you pictures of my room on facebook</p>
<p>i always just go to the big parking sale, but late in the afternoon. if you don’t go stand in line you have to drive out to the parking HQ behind barrack’s road</p>
<p>and don’t be the ****** who just takes whatever room… facebook your roommate and work it out. for me it’s always worked out that someone really wants the fireplace and someone really wants the inside. there are pros and cons of both rooms. here are some:</p>
<p>inside (i had for 2 years):
no awkwardness when going to the bathroom in the middle of the night (con of outside: tripping over stuff in your roommate’s room when going to the bathroom in the middle of the night)
quieter than outside room wrt the noise from the hallway (con: you can hear every time someone goes to the bathroom)
corner room = massive with 2 windows</p>
<p>outside (lived in this year, and next year):
no awkwardness when coming in at 2am
no bathroom noises, but noisy stairwell
you can prop your door and say hi to people (I really like this)
mantle over fireplace (btw fireplace does not work) - this was what my roommate was going to miss the most when we switched outside/inside this past year but she got 2 windows so it worked out okay
(con) there has been at least one time when my roommate came in (from the stairwell) when i was getting changed</p>
<p>you’ll also need a cable splitter if you want cable in the outside room
but other than that the rooms are pretty much the same… i don’t think i have a preference outside vs inside anymore, but when i first lived here i knew i wanted the inside. i think now that i’m comfortable with my roommate it doesn’t matter (we leave our inbetween-door open all the time and i’m constantly in there chatting with her or vice versa - we watch trashy reality shows in my room together and she has the fridge while i have the microwave)…</p>
<p>Thanks both of you
<p>I’ve already met once with my roomie during the school year (I’m home now but thanks for the tour offer! I should’ve discovered this site and posted my questions earlier haha). She’s going to be a 4th year, so I was planning on just taking whichever room she doesn’t want since it’s her last year and all. That’s handy info about the cable location though, since I’m definitely planning on bringing a tv.</p>
<p>I feel like there’s plenty of opportunity for awkwardness with either room with changing and all that, but I’m pretty easy going so hopefully that won’t even be an issue to think about.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the info though! It was really helpful!</p>