Some questions regarding Applicant Portal

So some of the application material is not reflected in the portal. This should be normal especially if I just submitted something the last week, but my counselor recommendation which was submitted exactly a month ago is not reflected in my portal, whereas everything I submitted afterwards is reflected.
Is this something I should worry about / should I email them about this?

By the way do schools email you when youve completed everything or does something show in the portal? (bc another school emailed me saying the application is complete so I was wondering if there was a way to confirm I completed everything for other schools as well)

Some (or even most) schools will send an email when your application is complete but not all so don’t stress if you don’t receive one and you know all the boxes are checked.

I would follow up with Deerfield and offer to have the recommendation resent if necessary. My daughter went to a giant middle school and 3 of the schools she applied to did not have her transcript in early January even though her school promised they had been sent in mid-November. Had we not asked the schools about it and then resent, it would have been a bigger problem later.

Have you double checked with your counselor to make sure it shows as submitted on his/her end? With Kiddo1, we had a teacher forget to hit the submit button, and with Kiddo2, we had some fiasco where the person writing the recommendation thought he did it, but had not. Both times, a quick email to them asking to double check if it’s been submitted was all that was needed.

As far as receiving an email confirmation that everything has been received, you will get that from some schools, but not all, and you may even get an email saying they haven’t received something that shows as submitted. The admissions offices tend to be very friendly and understanding about all of it, since they know a lot is out of the applicant’s hands.

Yea it is submitted that’s for sure cuz it’s shown through Gateway.
Hm ok i’ll just check portal the email confirmation’s probably just something extra.

I feel like the school received the rec but just didnt update that on my checklist or smth cuz everything i submitted after the rec was submitted is ticked off.