Some questions regarding application and scholarship

  1. I self reported my grades, sent my ASU application and sent the sat score, is there other things I need to do to apply for this school?
  2. In addition, asu only considers unweighted gpa for scholarship right? (just wanted to make sure. And if that’s the case I’m kinda sad because all of my advance classes I took in high school are just useless :-? )
  3. I went on to estimate my scholarship using the calculator from the asu website. I tried entering two different sat score, which are 1160 and 1330, but the amount of scholarship came out to be the same. I know it’s just an estimation but does the sat score don’t affect the scholarship that much?

I forgot one more important question. I took algebra I in 8th grade and took Geometry Honors in high school. Am I doing it correctly if I self-reporting geo H for freshman math course but not algebra I? (But asu requires algebra I as prerequisite courses in HS??)

  1. I don't believe so! It's been over a year since I've applied but they should have "priority tasks" under myASU if you've missed anything.
  2. I'm pretty sure they do, yes.
  3. It shouldn't affect it that much. For me, the estimated amount was what I received. ($14,500)