Someone Chance Me? Recruited Athlete

<p>Hey all. I am a recruited athlete for Wisconsin Madison. I've been flown out for an official visit and everything. Anyways, they supposedly "coded" my application so it would be reviewed a little differently. I know I would not really have a chance of getting in on my own merit, but when talking to the coaches, they made it sound like I was sure to be accepted. So how much do you think being coded as a recruited athlete helps? What do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>So these are my good stats I guess...</p>

<p>33 ACT. (super-scored 34, with a nice 36 on English section)
1 rec from teacher - English
1 strong rec from my track coach (i have read)
Good extra curricular.
VERY solid essays. </p>

<p>Here are the sad stats
Did not take any AP courses, but all my classes were honors.
Horrid GPA.. 3.6 weighted. 2.7 unweighted.
2 D's junior year due to being very sick (explained in a doctors letter)</p>

<p>Any thoughts? I just hope my athletic hook is enough to get me an acceptance...</p>

<p>Usually the coach asks for a pre-read for his top recruits. The Admissions office will let him know if you are in the acceptable range. If you are not, he usually will let you know and you can move on to other schools. Sometimes they ask recruits to take the SAT or ACT several times to get the top score possible. This is important for the stats of the freshman recruitment class. There may be a student with top times/talent who has lower scores or GPA and a less shiny student athletically who has great GPA and standardized test scores. The coach is looking for the best talent and many coaches can tolerate less than optimal scores for academics. The coach has to work with admissions to be sure that all recruits are “admissible.”</p>

<p>UW wouldn’t spend the $$ on your visit if you weren’t pre-approved academically. You got the ACT score for sure.</p>

<p>No matter where you go to play your sport do pay attention to the academics. You have academic as well as athletic potential. Take advantage of the opportunity to get a good college education by doing well in your classes and getting your degree. This will serve you well long after your body ages out of your sport. Hopefully your grades are improving- that will be in your favor. At least have good study habits this year and use any help in college. Good luck.</p>