Someone from the Balkans?

<p>I’m from Bulgaria, it’s too obvious because of my nickname :D</p>


<p>The Balkan peninsular is a political term not the geographical one. It was made after WW2 and became popular after the war in ex-Yugoslavia.</p>

<p>Anyways, good luck wherever you are applying to. I applied to Mount Holyoke and got accepted but declined the offer due to financial reasons. And my first choice university is in Europe though. My second choices in the States are Bowdoin and Brandeis.</p>

<p>Hi guys I’m Serbian but i lived in Macedonia my whole life, any way is any one going to Parsons New School Of Design or any art colleges in New York. I really am interested going there but i don’t know how to step in contact. Money is not the problem the connection is.</p>


<p>Hi guys i just wanted to ask you one more thing,can anyone tell me how they got in elite US schools or in the Europe any way??</p>

<p>Thanks so much :)</p>

<p>Well by having a good grades and recommendations, maybe some competitions and if you are not looking for FA than you have advantage (for US colleges).</p>

<p>I’m from Macedonia in Greece and I have applied to schools in the northeast.Good Luck to everyone!</p>

<p>OK, do you people, consider our countries to be underrepresented in the US colleges or is it exactly the opposite?</p>

<p>depends from college to college but its not like with china. there r many bulgarians though</p>

<p>Nepal and Bulgaria are the two small countries that are overrepresented in every US university which gives financial aid to internationals.</p>

<p>I think overrepresented would be japan, china, india, maybe canada.</p>

<p>yeah that also but from smaller countries its definitely bulgaria coz every college i researched has some students from bulgaria</p>

<p>hey! so i am from serbia…just seen this thread, for now i’ve been admitted to agnes scott college but don’t know anything about fin aid yet…hope to hear from them soon - kinda going crazy here…anyhow all the best and keeping my fingers crossed:)</p>

<p>agnes scott is a great college. congrats!
i was admitted to mount holyoke but had to turn it down due to the insufficient FA.
are u sure u’d like to go to an all-women’s college? what r ur other choices?</p>