Someone Give me some REAL advise about B-school

<p>OK Financially I'm sittting here w/ three awesome business program:</p>

<p>University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (Direct Admit) (Reciprocity-20Kish)</p>

<p>University of Wisconsin-Madison (Apply as Sophomore)...I'm afraid i can't make it into business..18K (In-State)</p>

<p>Indiana University-Bloomington (Direct Admit+Honors College)...Awesome job placement, ranks very high but it's gonna cost me like 24K</p>

<p>I get no financial aid at alll so forget about tht damn FAFSA!</p>

<p>Where should I go and Why? </p>

<p>Thnks for the input</p>

<p>With your good HS record why are you afraid you won't get into the UWBS? If you can't get the required 3.25 or so you won't do well at Indiana either or Uminn and grades count for getting jobs after b school too. Have some confidence. Anyone who gets into UW and does the work can get a 3.25 these days.</p>

<p>If you really lack confidence and afraid you are not gonna make it to UWBS than go to Minnesota. Unless you get that big scholarship from indiana.</p>

<p>And considering that your dream is to get into NYU's bus school for grad than you are definitly gonna need higher than a if you are determined you can get that 3.25...just dont party too hard your first year :p</p>

<p>come got a 100 on that calc can do it!</p>

<p>Thnx for the advice ViperM90</p>

<p>Barron's I don't know when you went to school but I don't think it's as easy as you think to get a 3.25 GPA taking the core classes for business school. Things have surely changed since you attended and I would like to know the percentage of students at Wisconsin that currently have a GPA above 3.25.</p>

<p>brucesprings, the class profile is at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Try spending some time on UW website to dig out the GPA buckets for the entire UG population... ;)</p>

<p>Grades have steadily increased since I was there. From about 3.0-3.2+ on average. Not saying it's easy but any good student should be able to do it.</p>

<p>So are you saying that anybody that doesn't have a 3.25 GPA is not a good student?I think you should clarify that a little bit.I think any student that is accepted to Wisconsin is a great student. My son applied for the business after his freshmen year and didn't get in and I don't consider him a poor student.He had acquired enough credits from AP tests that he was able to apply last fall after only completing one year of classes where most apply after sophmore year. The Chicago Tribune just ran a story about how so many top notch students are taking a year off before they start college because they are not ready for the challenges of college.So adjusting to being away from home and getting "just" a 3.0 GPA to me is still outstanding.It's too bad there are so many better students attending this fine university.</p>

<p>We were told by a journalism advisor that UW is a tough school, that especially the first semester in Letters & Sciences it can be hard for a new freshman to get a good GPA (learning the ropes, learning how to study, what's expected of them, homesickness, newfound freedom, etc.). He also said they are tough graders - there is no grade inflation to be found.</p>

<p>Journalism is a major where you have to apply as a Sophomore, similar to Business, I believe. So it's crucial to get a good GPA that first year, or you risk not getting in.</p>

<p>I better let the data speaks for itself. Bottom line, UW has always been a tough school. There are quite a few "easy" classes but there aren't many "easy" majors. </p>

<p>Exec summary:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Grade distribution for each classes: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>That is some great investgative reporting!Appreciate the info dallas. Oregonian well said also. My purpose to respond to the OP was my son was kinda of in the same boat except Indiana would have been the cheaper alternative with the direct admit to business school ($7,500 a year in scholarship) and Wisconsin being out of state.I wanted him to go to Indiana knowing it was direct admit and cheaper but son loved Wisconsin and since he is gonna be paying for a good part of it,that's where he's at.He was disappointed not getting into business school, but he is now thinking of an Economic major which is probably more lucrative than his original choice which was marketing, so things do work out sometimes.So to the OP understand Indiana is for sure and Wisconsin is not.</p>

<p>Zouman, how badly do you want business? Is there anything else you would be happy to major in if you do not get into the business school? If the answer is yes, take the risk and go to Wisconsin (the better overall school). If the answer is no, then you should go with Minnesota or Indiana. That's my opinion, for what it's worth.</p>

<p>oregonianmom, thanks for your input. If i don't do business, i will probabaly do economics in the college of letters and science. so anyways, i'm mostly like going to UMINN unless offered scholarships from IU or Wisc.</p>

<p>Zouman, didn't your direct admit from Indiana include scholarship money?</p>

<p>Indiana costs OOS students about $30K for tuition and room/board, before a scholarship is factored in.</p>

<p>Ok so if Indiana costs 32K total. they offered me the 8000 dollar scholarship but still it's a lot of $$$....comes out 2 be 24k. madison is only 18k total, carlson is 20kish</p>

<p>To get into the Business school at UW you need about a 3.5 by the way. It has become increasingly more competitive and will continue to do so with the 85 million dollar donation</p>