I'm a junior from Illinois and I wanted to learn more about Siena College in New York and New College of Florida. What are the schools like, and does either have a good rep for preparing people for the medical field? I want to be a podiatrist and go to a school that will be known when pod schools look at my app. Also, what school would you compare these to that is established in the Midwest? Thanks for the help.</p>
<p>Anything would be appreciated</p>
<p>New College of Florida is a hippie school, as in hippie to the point of there are no grades given. Getting into a grad school could be tricky without a GPA for them to use as a frame of reference…or maybe I’m just too “square”</p>
<p>your aspiration in life is to be a foot doctor? that’s… interesting</p>
<p>Siena College- Catholic (Franciscan Friars)…74% students live on campus, founded 1937approx. 3,000 undergraduate students, Known for business, liberal arts and science. Frosh Profile- scores middle 50% test score ranges(as of 2007) SAT Verbal 510-590
SAT Math 520-610, ACT composite 23-26.</p>
<p>Holy Cross in Worcester has a fine reputation for pre-med. Creighton University in Nebraska also good solid pre-med/pre-dental/professional programs etc. Take a look at them. </p>
<p>Also search threads for medical school acceptance rates for various colleges. Sorry don’t know the other school.</p>
<p>ilovebagels is incorrect in saying that New College’s lack of grades in any way deters acceptances to med school.</p>
<p>If you want to look at statistics, consider this: New College is the #3 school in the nation in terms of per capita production of Fulbright Scholars among all four-year bachelor’s colleges.</p>
<p>but the poster was correct in stating its leftist bent.</p>
<p>New College makes Marx look like Reagan.</p>
<p>New College of Florida does have a pre-med club and pre-med advisor on campus. The career center has the stats on were the alums go to for grad school and med school. The numbers are tiny for med school but then again the school is tiny. In regards to it being a “hippie school”, it is certainly a niche college and for the right kid, it is a great fit. There are definitely mainstream kids there too. I have one son there and another who plans to go in the fall.</p>
<p>bump 10 char</p>