<p>I had this converstion on MSN with this guy who is from greater Vancouver, BC, Canada as well.. anyhow, to summerize, he claimed he got in harvard in oct b.c his grandparents donated a million dollars.. then he showed me his dartmouth likely.. this is what he has to say about his princeton acceptance.. someone tell me this is a joke...</p>
<p>-dragon says:
princeton's being a pain and foricng me to strike a deal if i want to go there with "special status"
-dragon says:
they want me to do summer courses<br>
-incredibility. says:
how did u get that offer?
-dragon says:
two ways... ym buddy plays for team canada's youth baseball team
-dragon says:
and his coach used to be a coach at princeton
-incredibility. says:
-dragon says:
and thru him i got in touch with admissiosn office and informed them of the top 250 thingy that dartmouth placed me in, so they got back to me with that offer
-incredibility. says:
i got that dartmouth thing too
-dragon says:
-incredibility. says:
top 500
-incredibility. says:
not top 250
-incredibility. says:
and i didn't have connections
-incredibility. says:
surprising eh?
-dragon says:
my mistake then
-incredibility. says:
so you told them?
-incredibility. says:
that you got a dartmouth likely?
-incredibility. says:
and then princeton just admitted you?
-incredibility. says:
the ****?
-dragon says:
dartmouth's confirmed with me
-incredibility. says:
-dragon says:
altho i'm still holding out in hopes that i get a "normal" admissiosn offer without strings
-incredibility. says:
i don't get wha tyou said
-incredibility. says:
so you told princeto
-incredibility. says:
nthat you got the dartmouth likely
-incredibility. says:
then pricneton told you they wiull give you an offer?
-dragon says:
essentially, yes
-incredibility. says:
how did you tell them that?
-dragon says:
the princeton coach guy hooked me up with a personal call with an admissiosn officer
-incredibility. says:
what did you say to her? "i got a likely from dartmouth."
-incredibility. says:
that's it?
-dragon says:
i spoek it more elgantly, but yah
-incredibility. says:
so basically princeton admitted you just b.c you got a likely from darmtouth?
-dragon says:
i told them some other stuff too
-dragon says:
(ie. i used to swim natioanlly)
-incredibility. says:
-dragon says:
-dragon says:
i quit when i was 13 because of a heel injury (smashed it while diving)
-dragon says:
it was itneresting, i was drowning but the lifeguards dind't help me cause they knew that i swam well... eventualyl some fat old guy saved me
-dragon says:
worst comes to worst, we're both goign to dartmouth right?
-dragon says:
what are you gonna study over there?
-incredibility. says:
i don't know. i might pick penn over dartmouth
-incredibility. says:
or columbia if i get in
-incredibility. says:
i don't know which other school i can get in
-incredibility. says:
i want to get into princeton
-dragon says:
penns' accepted?
-incredibility. says:
anyway i want to go to princeton most
-dragon says:
i screewed up and couldn't apply to penn/colubmia cause i didn't do SAT II english
-incredibility. says:
-incredibility. says:
i still don't get it.. how can you just get into princeton like that
-dragon says:
i ran out of testing dates because of a scheduling conflict... onyl ended up doing math II/ chem/physics
-dragon says:
because the coach guy used to coach at pricneton
-incredibility. says:
-incredibility. says:
-incredibility. says:
and coach has nothing to do with admissions
-incredibility. says:
it's not like he was the former dean of admissions
-dragon says:
i have no clue, maybe they were one person short on the minority quota list or something
-incredibility. says:
are you a minority?
-dragon says:
i'm indian
-incredibility. says:
that's not minority
-dragon says:
are you defiantely goign state-side?</p>
<h2>then i just left... </h2>
<p>i've stopped talking to him.. sat 2 english? wow never heard of that... ok, someone tell me he is joking here... this is sick.</p>