<p>Ok, well you mean the “gym card” that’s offered on your housing/mealplan application, right? What that actually does is give you access to the S40 fitness center (and maybe the athletic complex fitness center too, i’m not sure). It’s not really a sports center, and won’t affect whether or not you participate in sports, except that you might want to use the fitness center now and then to get in shape for sports. (oh and also it’s not a separate card - it’s just something that gets programmed into your Wustl ID card)</p>
<pre><code> As of this year, the fitness center has weight-lifting machines, treadmills, and that sort of thing. I think you can sign up for some aerobics classes, etc., as well. It should be basically the same next year, although they’re moving the center into the new Wohl Center. So basically if treadmills and lifting machines are things you’ll use, it’s worth the $30 or so to have easy access (Wohl Center is nicely centered in S40). If not, you’ll still have the chance to play intramural, club, and/or varsity sports even without the card.
<p>I bought the card, didn’t use it first semester, and have used it a fair bit this last semester. Whatever you prefer though.</p>
<p>(part 2)
As for healthy living communities. Basically it’s going to be a floor in a dorm (so a group of 30-60 other students) who all agree to not keep “substances,” including alcohol, tobacco, drugs, Uranium-235, etc. on the floor, or to bring those items or their effects onto the floor. So basically, parties on the floor can’t have alcohol, and you’re expected to obey the law in general.</p>
<p>That doesn’t mean that if you live in a “healthy living” floor you can’t drink, but just that you’re expected to do so somewhere else, and to drink responsibly enough that you don’t come stumbling in and make a scene for your suitemates. </p>
<p>It’s a pretty good program, in my opinion. Some healthy-living (or sub-free) floors are more social than others, but you’ll see pretty similar variation in other floors too. I’m on a sub-free floor this year, and the whole floor really does get along and interact pretty well, so i’m glad i made that choice. It’s kind of a matter of preference though.</p>