<p>the nature of the "wave." Why do we wave to someone?</p>
<p>the middle finger...WHY is this offensive? Who cares? It's just a finger. Stupid.</p>
<p>Think of other body motions that you ponder, people.</p>
<p>the nature of the "wave." Why do we wave to someone?</p>
<p>the middle finger...WHY is this offensive? Who cares? It's just a finger. Stupid.</p>
<p>Think of other body motions that you ponder, people.</p>
<p>It’s their symbolic representations that motivates us to conduct each action.</p>
<p>Yes, but how did these hand motions attain these “symbolic representations?”</p>
<p>I read once that the high-five originated after some random volleyball game.</p>
<p>the middle finger originated in a war, I forgot which one but I remember it was in the Middle Ages. The British were famous for the crossbows(you had to draw it back with your middle finger), they would capture french people and cut their middle fingers off. Then they showed them their middle fingers in simbolization that they still had theirs,lol. I love that story</p>
<p>I know that the handshake originated as a way for two enemies or opposites to show that neither had weapons.</p>
<p>my posts aren’t showing up. did everyone c that one that explained where the middle finger came from.</p>
<p>Yes, I see your posts. You have to look towards the top of your page.</p>
<p>Woah, trumpetgrl, that is awesome.</p>
<p>Thanks for the handshake origination, warts.</p>
<p>How did you guys find these out?</p>
<p>I’ve heard a lot of different stories for the origination of the finger, with the longbow/crossbow one being the most popular. I looked it up on wikipedia though, and it claims that the gesture originated during the Ancient Roman times and has been referenced in Ancient Greek comedy.</p>
<p>If you’re easily offended, don’t wiki it. There’s a picture of a scene girl flipping me off lol.</p>
<p>You know what I think is funny? </p>
<p>For facebook profile pictures, so many girls take pictures with the peace sign but backwards, and that means eff off in England. </p>
<p>Liam Gallagher <3</p>
<p>(Just an example of what it looks like)</p>
<p><a href=“http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05/21/article-1020892-0153F95400000578-37_233x291.jpg[/url]”>http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/05/21/article-1020892-0153F95400000578-37_233x291.jpg</a></p>
<p>Rio Ferdinand does it too</p>
<p>Epic Thread</p>
<p>^It got 12 posts during its first run…</p>
<p>Wonder how many more you can get in its second :rolleyes:</p>
<p>To contribute to its second run, I strongly detest the high-five.
Why do I have to high five you? I don’t want to. It’s stupid. </p>
<p>It’s like Seinfeld’s kiss hello. People just toss out their high fives too freely and always expect the other party to reciprocate. Well, I’m taking a stand, just like Rosa Parks.</p>
<p>No more high fives.
I so better make the history books for this and I want my picture by Ms. Parks’.</p>
<p>^I am only bumping this because you mentioned Seinfeld. Yes!</p>
<p>And this makes me think of the voice, HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO!</p>
<p>I’ve always wondered this - How does a New Zealand mountain parrot live in the nest of another animal? Commensally?</p>
<p>Something I’ve recently begun pondering, why is every other new movie in 3D?</p>
<p>Why do people think I want to experience being mauled by a dragon in an additional dimension?</p>
<p>Going off from your original question (a bit random and off topic):</p>
<p>Why is f*** a bad word?
Isn’t “screw” just as bad?</p>
<p>B**** is is somewhat of a derogatory term, and s*** refers to poop which I find less offensive than the B word. Why is saying crap or poop not bad?
Why is saying S*** not allowed on the radio but B**** is?</p>
<p>It boggles my mind.</p>