Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Hey y’all, I’m the one who’s always pessimistic and says I have no chance LOL. I still have no idea why, but I just received my interview notification for the 17th at 1 P.M. ! I’ll definitely update you all after I go through my interview. This is all so sudden because my birthday is literally one day after my interview, the 18th! I guess I kind of got an early birthday gift.



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Thank you so much everyone, good luck to those who already got an invite and to those who are still waiting! LETS GO CLASS OF 2021​:tada::tada:


Yayyyyy congratulations!

Have faith in yourself lol, best luck to your interview!

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Congrats to all three of you who got an interview!!! Even if I don’t get it (although I really hope I do), I’m very happy for you guys!!! Good Luck on the interviews :slight_smile:


Hi everyone! This is my first time posting on this forum but I’ve been following everyone’s posts! Just wanted to say congratulations to all those who have received interview invites you guys will crush it! And to everyone else, I hope you get interviews as well :slight_smile:


@laksjjjjjjdhfg @ellona0327 , Congratulations and good luck for the interview. Are you both Instate or OOS? My DC is OOS and waiting, so I was wondering. Thanks

Hi, I’m in state, in queens specifically. Hope this helps :grin:

congrats!! do you mind telling us what time you got the interview notification?

I know this wasn’t directly to me but I got mine around 4:50 PM

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its fine :slight_smile: thanks for replying! i appreciate it !!

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Have faith in yourself! I know you’ll do amazing! :slight_smile: :blush:

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! And good luck!

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Congratulations!! And Good luck!

Hey everyone, I had a question regarding mid year reports. Are we supposed to email or mail Sophie Davis our mid year reports?

I personally emailed my guidance counselor to send my mid-year report over to them by email. Hope this helps. I believe they do want to see your mid-year report.

Sorry for the late reply. I am in state, Queens specifically and in a rather underserved area. Hope this helps.

Sorry for the late reply. I believe I got it around 3 -5 P.M. that day.

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Hey are you sure they require the mid-year report? I was confused in this too because I asked a student there and she said they don’t require it. That’s why I was confused.

It’s not required for the admission process I believe but if you get accepted you will eventually have to send your final transcript so might as well do it now and have those grades considered (assuming they are good)