Sophie Davis Fall 2021

I actually emailed one of my transcripts myself and they still accepted it so yeah I think you don’t even need the official one but better safe than sorry just ask your counselor to email them.

Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know.

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Uhhh ohh, are you guys planning to send Sophie your mid-year reports? I’m confused too, because they never mentioned that in the whole admission process.

Thanks to all who replied. I actually just asked one of my friends who goes to Sophie Davis and she said she hasn’t sent in her mid year report. I think it’s not required but I’m going to send it to be on the safe side.

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So I emailed them & had asked, they said “ Mid-year transcripts are not part of admissions process.” So it’s not an issue if you didn’t, but I do think that last year (senior year) transcripts should be send to them if we get in.

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ohh ok thank you!

Hey. How did your interview go? I’m pretty sure you rocked it.

Hey good luck on your interview tomorrow. Do let us know how it goes.

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Good luck on your interview tomorrow!

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Good luck on the interview !!

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  • Hey y’all! I finished my interview couple hours back. Honestly, I had an amazing time!!
  • Everyone was so kind, open, and welcoming towards me. When you first arrive you are greeted by a current student who tells you who you will meet, how long, and motivational words to help ease your nerves.
  • Go on the ZOOM 15 minutes before your actual starting time as mentioned
  • The 1st interview was with a current Sophie Davis student. She was so sweet & made the atmosphere engaging. She asked general questions such as describe myself, strength & weakness & an activity I did
  • The 2nd interview was with a Doctor/professor he was so nice to me too! They asked me weaknesses, describe myself, and he just picked up on what I always said for the most part
  • The 3rd interview was with an admission person. She made me feel so comfortable. She asked me how I manage my grades w/ work, describe yourself, strength &weakness, & picked up on my answers for the most part too.
  • I would say this—— be yourself, show your a genuine, and smile here & there
  • RELAX you will be nervous but after 10 min you’ll be good.:+1:
  • Be ready for at least 1 unexpected/pop questions!!! I had almost 3, but I answered them quite well. They give you time to think then say the answer.
  • Make yourself open & could talk too
  • You guys will do great! Go give it your best, I believe in each of you
  • I think I really did my thing. I’m naturally social & love talking, so that wasn’t such a big problem for me :joy:
  • I was nervous which is normal but it was cool after 10 min for me.
  • hope I helped !
  • hope I have a seat with you guys too next year :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for the advice

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Hey. How did your interview go?

Take this as you will. I emailed them this on the 27th of January.

Me: Hi!

Does Sophie Davis require/want my first semester senior year grades? My first semester just finished, and my counselor is sending them to all schools. I can send along mine, if Sophie requires it.


My name

Sophie Davis Admissions (CSOM) email reply:

Good morning.

Email to

Sophie Davis Biomedical Education Program at CUNY School of Medicine

That’s what they replied. I told my counselor to send it in, because she was sending it to all of my colleges anyway, and I had decent grades.

lol it was ok, I would rank it 6/10, was not my best interview. I agree with everything @callmesmores said, so y’all should use that. I’m still not expecting to get in tho, this program has like a 7% acceptance rate. But like I say, this program is not the end of the world for me lmao. If I get in, great, if I don’t get in, then equally, great. The lady kept on telling me they look for a diverse group of students, so it’s not exactly all merit-based where they choose the most qualified students. It is holistic, but like I said, that 7% acceptance rate scares the crap out of me XD.

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Yeah I definitely do agree with you the 7% acceptance rate is scary lol. But don’t loose hope yet. I wish you the best of luck and everyone else.

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I’m sure you did well!! You’re probably overthinking it, I was too right after but don’t discourage yourself! You said that for the start of the process & you ended up getting an email. So just relax, I’m sure you did AMAZING! If so, why do you think you did “bad”?

Hi guys,

Is there anyone here who has not received an invite for in an interview yet? Because many people have already interviewed. I know they interview until mid March but I’m kinda worried because as time passes, the lower chance of getting an interview.

It’s cool man, you got this. I think @Sophie_Rocks hasn’t gotten an interview yet, but I’m not sure. Look, I’m going to be as honest as possible, and sometimes Sophie just rejects you off the bat without giving you an interview. With that said, people in March have interviewed, and gotten in, so no reason to give up hope. Also, they only interview (I think) 2 times a week, so they may just not have a slot chosen for you yet, but are planning to do so. So, up until March, just chill. I also do not know if “as time passes… lower chance of getting an interview.” I mean for all we know they may just not have gotten to your file yet man.

Good luck man.

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