Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Hi I’m new to this whole website lol so sorry for the late reply.
I got called for an interview in a few days and I live in Texas so it looks like they’re willing to meet with people outside the state too. I’m so nervous tho!! Best of luck to you and everyone who applied

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Congrats! What time did you get the interview today I didn’t know they send out invites on Saturday? But congrats and good luck.

Oh no I got the email on Friday the 19th around noon. It was originally supposed to be last Wednesday but I reached out due to the situation in Texas right now with the storms/outages and they rescheduled it. & Thanks!

Oh okay got it. Thanks. Good luck once again

Hope you and your family are safe. Congrats on the interview!


hi everyone! I’m an applicant for the Sophie Davis BS/MD Program as well and I wanted to say that this thread equally stressed me out and relieved my stress because for some reason I felt like you all deserve to succeed and hearing the bumps in the road that you guys were on felt like I was on them too and stressing out for you to make it. I haven’t gotten an interview yet but I did get an interview for the BA/MD Program at Brooklyn College and I’d say it went pretty well. Still holding out for an interview because I read an article on how top colleges are having way more applicant than previous years so maybe they just need time.


Hi everyone, it is a week after my interview with Sophie Davis and I completely forgot to come back on here after and update you guys with tips! I apologize! Nonetheless, here they are:

  1. I came into the meeting 15 minutes earlier, as required and as everyone stated previously on this thread. The first 15 minutes is you just chatting with current Sophie students. They are really welcoming and it was an overall relaxed environment. We all just talked about general things, introducing ourselves, etc. The students then laid out the format for the rest of our interview and sent us to our breakout rooms.
  2. My biggest advice would be to show them that you are the same person that you represented through your essays. I think this is what they are looking for.
  3. On my last interview with a faculty member, she asked me a lot of tough questions that focused on my logic, reasoning, morals, perspectives, etc. Go into the interview knowing what you stand for and what you want to accomplish in your life. This could take a bit of self reflection prior to the interview, but it is totally worth it.
  4. Don’t be afraid to take a moment to think of your answer. I did this a couple of times and they appreciate that.
  5. Don’t fall for their tactics. I’m not sure if the rest of you who were already interviewed experienced this, but on my second interview, they told me they would be taking notes on what I say as I answer their questions. This is a common tactic used by interviewers to see how you deal under pressure and how you deal with being in the spotlight. Keep a calm mind and focus on the questions and continue speaking as if they never said that. Some of them may also try to put on a stern face, but they are all really on your side. They want to advocate for you and they are really sweet as you continue talking to them. They are your advocates, don’t forget that!
  6. Please please please smile! Let your personality shine through! We are all unique and they want to see what makes you unique from others! Remember, the goal of sophie davis is to have a diverse student body. This diversity transcends your ethnicity. They want to see how you would fit in among other applicants.

I hope that helps! It really flew by as if it was five minutes. Don’t stress too much and just go in knowing a few basics about yourself and remember what type of person you projected in your papers. If you projected yourself accurately on paper, you should have no problems answering their questions!



Hey guys, I had my interview this morning & here’s some advice for anyone who needs it because I know that’s what I would want if I had an upcoming interview.

  1. Do not be nervous!! I know this is easier said than done but really, the interviewers are sooooo nice and they are NOT trying to scare you. I was really anxious at first but by the time we started talking it was really comfortable. They just want to get to know you.
  2. Prepare in advance!! The interview is pretty long. You talk to 1 current student and 2 adults each for a little under an hour. So try to have a general idea of what they are going to ask so you don’t sound completely stumped when they ask you why you want to come to their school lol. They do give you time to think if you need it, but it’s just better to be prepared, feel me?
  3. Give examples!! When they ask a question don’t make your answer so general. Tell a story or give more details becuz they want to know about YOU. Nobody should be able to take your story, make it unique :slight_smile:

Feel free to ask me if u have any more questions. Good luck guys


Plus everything @ellona0327 said haha

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Can someone who attended Brooklyn College interview give some tips. Thanks in advance.

My interview went really well and my interviewer really wanted to emphasize how he wanted the interview to feel like a conversation and didn’t want me to be nervous. He did mention how I was not like the other applicants at all. Most of them were born and raised in Brooklyn and I was from The Bronx and he really had a lot of questions about the best places in The Bronx and the way I grew up. He did ask how COVID affected me through asking about my usual routine and how it has changed. Honestly, in the beginning of the interview I did see him kind of put away his questions and was very interested in me and I was really able to talk to him like I was meeting someone new instead of being nervous about getting into a highly selective program.

Thank you. Was there only one interviewer? How long was the interview.

Yes there was only one interviewer and it was about 30-45 minutes long

Thank you so much. Any tips, suggestions based on your experience. This is my first one.

Hey, I’m a bit confused. Where you talking about Sophie or Brooklyn College?

Brooklyn college

I would say to be prepared with questions. We had been talking for a while but questions really show your commitment and how interested you are in the school and he really appreciated that I had insightful questions prepared and not just copy pasted from some site. I would also highly suggest to do a mock interview and have an idea of what you want to say. All in all, be yourself. That’s all they’re looking for.

Thanks again for all the tips. I appreciate it.

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Is the Brooklyn BAMD decisions rolling? My DC hasnt recieved any official decision email yet, so was wondering if the interviews are over and the school doesnt inform students who didnt get an interview invite. My DC missed an interview notification because we missed the email, I am paranoid. I was going to have her email someone to check on it but thought of asking if anyone else did? Thanks!

The deadline was December 10th. I don’t think we’ll get any decisions until early April. They called me to tell me about my interview though. I literally almost missed it.