Sophie Davis Fall 2021

I JUST GOT MY INTERVIEW EMAIL. I’ve literally been stressing for a week about getting an interview and I almost lost it because I forgot I did everything on my school email and not my personal email. I’m terrified but excited at the same time.


=D congratulations! The placement is even better for you because you already had a different interview and got that experience!

I wish you best of luck!! You’ll rock it!

And that’s to anyone else getting an interview or recently having it.


Wow! Congratulations. If you don’t mind me asking what was your gpa? I was just wondering because it’s amazing how you got invited for both interviews at Brooklyn and Sophie Davis. But you totally don’t have to say if you don’t want to. Good luck on your interview.

My GPA has consistently been in the 90s since freshman year and it has definitely increased since then. I did fail my geometry regents twice so I’m surprised I heard anything from them but I’m glad that they looked at all the other aspects of my application. If you want the whole run-down I’d be happy to give it to you


Hey guys, I’ve been following on for a while. i haven’t received any word from them yet. i emailed them to make sure they got all my recommendation letters and that was the only response i got from them regarding status. Im not so worried, hopefully we all get one soon. One of my friends got a late interview last year and still got in so i don’t believe when we get it should play a huge role in terms of acceptance. but best of luck to all of us and congrats to all of you that already had interviews


Thank you so much. It’s okay you don’t have to give me the whole run down. I just wanted to know what was your gpa since you’ve received two interviews. Good luck again.

Congratulations on both Brooklyn and Sophie Davis interviews. Do you know how many were called for interview and how many spots in Brooklyn college. Did they tell anything about that during the interview.

No they didn’t mention any spots or anything like that in my brooklyn college interview. The most he said about that was that it was mostly people who resided in Brooklyn and that made me stand out a bit.

hi, do you mind me asking when your friend got an interview last year?

Hey everyone, a quick question for everybody about Sophie Davis. Is Sophie Davis only for primary care physicians? By this I mean: let’s say I want to be a neurosurgeon. After I complete the full 7-year Sophie Davis program, can I go straight into the residency for neurosurgery?

Is my question making sense?


There used to be some sort of contract that you’re supposed to do Primary Care or else you pay 70k (because tuition used to be a lot cheaper as they let you pay undergrad tuition for 5 years). But now that CUNY has its own School of Medicine, that contract doesn’t exist so you’re free to specialize in what you want!

this is the match list from their first graduating class. One person I think did match into neurosurgery, but overall most students (~40-50%) went for primary care. I’m guessing that the students they choose are usually more interested in primary care than surgical specialties.


Omg you are like… so kind! Virtual fist-bump to you @livelifeokay !!!

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How did you know that you got accepted to CUNY school? My DC applied to CUNY//Sophie Davis BS/MD end of Dec and we still did not hear from CUNY.

The general school “City College” have sent out there acceptance to the school already couple weeks back. In terms of the specific program, Sophie Davis, no one has received an acceptance yet. Their release date should be around the last week of this month.

Thank You. The acceptance to “City College” were sent by email and the Portal was updated too?


Our CUNY application Status is still “under review” does this mean we should be expecting Rejection soon? We are OOS.

Not at all, everyone had received that general email too.
That basically means they’re still reviewing it and would decide if they’ll give you a interview or not.
Don’t stress, there’s still doing interviews for couple of weeks since we get results no later on than April 1st.
Just hold on tight & have hope!

Hey guys! Any clues to when the Brooklyn College BA-MD Decisions come out after interviews?

Sometime in April!

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