Sophie Davis Fall 2021

Yes just to add on to that. That contract still exists but its not a requirement to be a part of the program. You can sign a contract with the government and they will pay for half your tuition (which is 70K) ON THE CONDITIONS THAT you become a primary care physician in an underserved location for some time. But that’s not a requirement for the program there are many other scholarships.

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hi guys!!!

I haven’t talked here in a while, and I hope all of u are doing well!!!

I also had the Brooklyn BA/MD interview on February 26th I believe. I honestly thought it went pretty well (haha idk anymore). But it was only 24 minutes for me, and after reading the comments that it should’ve been longer, I don’t know how to feel anymore. :((

In other news:
I’m happy to say that I did receive a Sophie Davis interview email for March 9th at 8:30 AM.

I’m super scared for this one because the other one had such easy vibes to it? This will be 3 interviews in one day right?

Also another concern: I actually did pretty terrible this fall semester and I had to CR my grades (or make them all general passing grades). I’m not sure how this will affect me? I had a really hard time adjusting to the new year and new expectations. This is something I should’ve grasped quicker, but I guess things are beginning to pick up more now?

If you have any advice/suggestions for the Sophie interview other than the ones you guys have stated above (which are super duper helpful, thank you so so much!) or even motivational words about me overthinking, I would greatly appreciate them!!!

Thank you again for all your help and supporting words guys!

Special thank u to @MarrZak for writing that super long, motivational comment!!! I really appreciated it!!!


Hey! Congratulations. And do not worry everything will go well. You will do absolutely fine just believe in yourself. I just wanted to ask if you don’t mind answering when did you get the invitation? Good luck I’m sure you’ll do well.


Thank you so much! To answer your question, I actually received the email yesterday at 3PM.

Shouldn’t worry about the time you spent on the interview. There is big discussion in the other BSMD forum. You should be alright. Someone who attended Brooklyn interview told that they might increase the number of spots. Not sure. Did you hear anything about that in the interview?

Nope, I actually didn’t hear anything about increasing the spots. But that’d be great if they did end up doing it.

Hi, Is Spohie still sending out interview invites for their BS/MD? My D got UG acceptance to CUNY this Thursday and no word on BS/MD yet…

yea I believe until the end of this month? don’t quote me on that

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Does anyone know how many students are able to stay in the program (like after you deposit and say yes, how many people actually make it through the 7 years)? Also, what are the requirements to stay in? Any certain GPA or such?

I have a friend I could ask. She is a current sophie entering her M1 year. I will get back to you on this @alwayshappy25
btw like the username lmao


ahahhahah thank you so much! :slight_smile:

I think @livelifeokay sent a list in this forum with the residency matches and I believe it says only 46 people stayed in the program till the end, 44 applied for residency, and all 44 got matched. Last year was their first graduating class from CSOM so thats the only numbers you have. You’re supposed to have above a B in all your MED classes but I think B is 75 above for MED classes. For other classes you are supposed be in good standing too. You’re also supposed to pass NBME examinations. I don’t know a lot of details; thats all I know might be a bit off on some things


Hi, I have interview tomorrow too. Good luck.


Good luck to you too!!


good luck to you both! please let us know how it goes if you are comfortable sharing : )

Oh wow, thanks! Sounds like it’s pretty difficult to stay in the program! Especially if only 46 people make it to the end :frowning:


I know this isn’t to me, but to respond to that my friends who are in the program told me that people don’t stay in the program for mainly 2 reasons. 1.) they either changed their mind on the career or 2.) they just didn’t take it serious enough.

Ohhh ok that sounds nice! Thanks!

In my interview with the student she said a lottttt of people dont necessarily drop out of the program but rather fall back by taking a gap year or failing a class requiring them to take another year.

Ooh gotcha, that’s soothing